• Nov 15, 2016 from 8:00am to 9:30am
  • Location: "Click link below to register and receive call instructions"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021



Are you outraged, upset, or anxious over the US Election?


Let’s come together to connect and embrace our real power and truth in this special post-election teleclass. We in the Depth community know that there’s another dimension that is more real than this one


NOTE: This is NOT a political discussion but rather an opportunity to hold sacred space to tune into the deep metaphoric wisdom individually and collectively

—What lies under the surface of this crisis?

—What—creatively—wants to happen?

—Moving forward, what is your individual role or mission?

—What is our collective task?

—How do we best use and deploy our time, energy and resources?


During the first half of this event, Kim will facilitate a guided journey into the metaphoric dimension and work with participants to uncover messages from this realm. The last half will be devoted to open conversation, sharing and discussion of next steps


Please come with an open mind and willingness to engage what is showing up for you in the moment

We will hold space for whatever wishes to come through, whether that be healing, rest, or constructive action


Let’s align with what’s true and real. Let’s uncover what’s being asked of us now

Let's tune into deep wisdom and receive guidance, instructions and fire

Let’s draw on otherworldly power and channel it in the fiercest way possible

When the mind is quiet and we've transcended the ego, something beyond thought can move us


NOTE: Everyone is welcome, including non-US citizens or those who don’t identify as being political. We won’t be working at the level of politics. We’ll be diving deeper


Event facilitated by ALLIANCE MEMBER/ FACULTY Kim Hermanson PhD


Kim Hermanson PhD serves as adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is the author of Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination and Sky’s the Limit. In Doorway Sessions, Kim offers deeply transformative work and is known for her skill in quickly shifting people out of spiritual and psychological difficulties and into a space of profound beauty and creative flow.


1.5 CEUs Available MFT/LCSW


Can't make it live? Register for a recording





See Kim's upcoming FREE event: THE POWER of METAPHOR 12/2, 12pm PT


See Kim's upcoming in-depth teleclass: THE POWER of METAPHOR: DEEP FOCUS in a CRAZY WORLD  12/9, 10 am PT

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  • Huge thanks to everyone who attended the event today. It was a powerful foray into a generative process that held meaning for many who shared images with the group, including me. Here's a link to the recording if you're looking for it now, and I'll be posting it somewhere more accessible tomorrow when I can: http://depthinsights.com/audio/Focus-or-Fire-Post-election-Metaphor...

  • As Rebecca Solnit said, "power comes from the shadows and the margins." In this event, we'll dip into the shadow and experience the power that lives there..

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