Education Institution
  • Jun 10, 2013 at 10:00am to Jul 1, 2013 at 11:00am PDT
  • Location: online or on the phone - Times listed are Pacific Time
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

No pre-requisites--Join any week!

Jung, The Objective Psyche, and The Patterns We Live By

As a sailboat is guided by the unseen forces of the wind and the currents, so too is individual life influenced and often directed by the workings of unseen archetypes. To navigate, the sailor learns the ways of the water, the tides, and the winds, and so too must they be adept at reading the patterns emerging in the sea to anticipate the best routes for future travel.

So in life, we need to learn about these essential landmarks of the journey, and the symbols and initiatives conveying the nature of the archetypes guiding our life.


The New Sciences of Complexity and Emergence

It was the brilliance of Jung and the early Jungians to identify many of these innate, universal patterns and motifs. Where Jung found a brilliant telling of these processes of insight and transformation contained in the Alchemical literature, now we find striking parallels and extensions to this work in The New Sciences of Complexity and Emergence.
Since its inception in 1989, The Assisi Institute, guided by the vision of its founder and Director, Michael Conforti, have engaged in transdisciplinary studies into the relationship between matter and psyche. In addition to having many of the worlds leading Jungian Analysts as our faculty, we continue to invite a distinguished faculty of pioneers and visionaries from the these New Sciences, including; Fred and Ralph Abraham, Brian Goodwin, Vilmos Csanyi, Mae Wan Ho, Ervin Laszlo, F. David Peat, Beverly Rubik, Peter Saunders, Rupert Sheldrake, all of whom speak to the mysteries and potentialities of matter and its relationship to psyche.

So too in the tradition of Jung's and ML von Franz's work on the nature of the archetypes, they have identified a number of inherent, universal regularities in the psyche and the natural world which guide individual and collective life.
Now after more than twenty four years of working in this area, the Assisi Institute has emerged as a world leader in this field of matter psyche studies and is recognized as a visionary for its many contributions. 

Four Week Series
First week complimentary!

In this four week teleseminar series, Dr Conforti will present the central discoveries of this work. Each week's presentation will be organized around a specific theme.

Monday, June 10th (Complimentary)
The Relationship Between Psyche, Soul and Matter

Monday, June 17th
Patterning in The Psyche and the Natural World

Monday, June 24th
Archetypal Fields - Sheldrake and Jung

Monday, July 1st
Archetypal Dimensions of Self Organization

FIrst Session is FREE but you must register for access info. All events archived for listening at your own convenience

Cost for series is $75 or $30/session. 


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  • Education Institution

    Still time to register for tonight's teleseminar on this fascinating topice. Join me tonight (6/24) as we discuss Archetypal Fields along with the work of English biologist Rupert Sheldrake and C.G, Jung.

    Each teleseminar session is standalone. No pre-reqs. Each session is recorded so you can easily return to this rich material again and again at no additional charge.

    REGISTER here:

  • Education Institution

    Thanks for the note, Neil. You can access the archived recording using the same web link you received for your registration. Glad you enjoyed the session.

  • Hi,

    Great teleseminar. I was wondering if it will be archived anywhere for future listening?



  • I will try to pick up the recording afterwards since I am currently living in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  I woud love to contact any Jungians living here also. 

  • I will try to catch the recording. Sounds great!

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