• Sep 3, 2014 from 10:30am to 11:30am PDT
  • Location: on the phone
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Do you long to go beyond the competitive, win-lose culture of the past into a joyfully co-creative and harmonious future?

You are not alone!

On Wednesday September 3rd, planetary elder Barbara Marx Hubbard will share a special free teleseminar event on the emergence of a fundamentally new new archetype - The Co-creator.  This call will provide listeners with an opportunity to "meet" this archetype, understand it as their own, and learn how to activate it in their daily life to liberate more of their soul’s unique genius. 

Barbara believes that as we recognize and embrace the "co-creator," we will grow into our full potential as a human family. She offers a compelling vision of this "co-creator" archetype; one that is affecting the still tender root of this next evolution of humanity.  

This co-creator can actually be seen everywhere – in business, in our personal relationships and in solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges -- and as we embrace the full power of the new pattern, we can grow into our full potential as a human family.

REGISTER for the free teleseminar here

In this special event, Barbara will share:

  • How to recognize the signs of the new archetype emerging and also bless, honor, and release your old conditioning that prevents its emergence
  • The potential for “regenopause” as Feminine Co-creators enter a new phase of life beyond pro-creation
  • How masculine co-creators are retaining their masculine strength while opening to a new way to dance with the feminine
  • How to engage in co-creative pods that practice this new way of being as well as co-creative families of choice that anchor it into your life
  • The power of reframing “aging” as “emerging” - with each passing year giving more of your soul’s true gifts 

When: Wednesday, September 3

Time: 5:30 pm Pacific Time / 8:30 Eastern

REGISTER for the free teleseminar here

Can't make it live? Register for the free recording

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  • Thanks Bonnie, I look forward to the recording and all good wishes for the tele-seminar.

  • Susan--and everyone. Be sure to register even if you can't attend live: they will send it to all registrants.

  • Looking forward to this!

  • I'd be grateful for the recording please .. I live in South Africa; the times don't co-incide very well here.

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