• May 13, 2015 from 10:30am to 11:30am PDT
  • Location: "on the phone - starts at 5:30 Pacific Daylight Time U.S."
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Have you ever taken stock of the stories you tell about yourself and your life? 

Nothing is more powerful in shaping the success (or failure) or our lives than these guiding myths. They inform our careers, our relationships, our families, our politics and our religions.

While we often don’t think about or question them, the truth is that if we perpetuate the myths we’ve inherited, we cannot birth something more beautiful, amazing and creative than what we’ve been given.

Do your stories empower you to new possibilities, or drain your energy and undermine your ability to express your soul’s full potential? 

Breaking free and living as the radiant being that is your soul’s true destiny commands that your story aligns with this truth. That is why it is urgent that you develop a “new myth” for yourself and for who we are collectively. 

There’s none better at guiding you into your new story than writer, performer & myth-making genius Luisah Teish.  “Teish,” as she prefers to be called, is a master shifter of stories. Join Teish to receive power tools to re-script your life in this  free teleseminar.


In this free call event, you’ll learn to

  • Begin to break free from the personal myth that has directed your life.
  • Understand the archetypal personalities of mythological characters that have shaped your self-image since childhood.
  • Connect with the magic of how to change your interior to change your external world.
  • Dwell in deeper levels of emotional neutrality around life’s greatest challenges.
  • Use art, ritual and story to help re-sculpt our culture’s negative stories and create a more positive future.

Teish will empower you to discover your most liberating, hope-filled narrative; one that is in alignment with your soul’s authentic path and the healing of our world. 
This call will be recorded for all registrants. Don’t miss your chance to experience writer, performer, ritual priestess and one of the greatest storytellers of our time as she shares how you can transform your life through story and myth!   


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  • Good to see you, Char! It's amazing these events work for a global audience, wherever we all are. Upside of technology!I know they usually record them for all registrants, too. 

  • Alrighty! 10.30am my time.

    Will make a donation once I clear some bills.

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