Conference 2015:
Gifts of the God Eros
Rediscovering What We Really Love
May 22 - 25, Memorial Day Weekend Mendocino Woodlands Camp
There is in every one of us a powerful force that draws us towards what we love in this world. This yearning we experience, be it for a person, a place, an activity, or anything at all which promises fulfillment or pleasure, is the primary gift of the god Eros. We are however, bombarded by cultural images of what we “should” desire, which rarely are in tune with our natural longings. We no longer feel our authentic pull toward ideas, persons and creative pursuits, but instead, are distracted toward futile quests for the unattainable and unreal. We are inevitably left unfulfilled and still wanting.
Another price we pay is a significant loss in our capacity to be present here and now. If we are honest with ourselves, we realize that we are alienated from nature, from relationship, from community, and from our very own sense of purpose. We experience our personal power as diffused and weak rather than centered and strong.
When we – collectively – acknowledge, explore, and grieve the loss of connection to self and to our ability to know what we want, we can reclaim our passion and creativity.
What do we really love, what do we really long for, and where in our daily lives are the keys to such genuine gifts of Eros?
Please join us amidst old growth redwoods for our annual Memorial Day Weekend men’s gathering. Over the past 25 years we have learned how to create and maintain a community, a sacred space that honors our rich diversity, both in depth explorations and exuberant celebrations. We will sing, hear stories and poetry, engage in vibrant ritual, display our talents and beauty and eat wonderful food. We will support and inspire each other.
Come! Bring yourself, your gifts, your passions, your struggles – and bring your sons, fathers, brothers and friends! Come together!
With this e-mail we are pleased to announce the release of the new conference brochure and the opening of registration, with the option to pay registration fees online through Paypal.
We'd like to ask you to please make a place in your busy schedule to come join us as we renew and expand our community of men, enriching our lives and each other as we gather together once again over Memorial Day Weekend. We invite you to bring a friend, including young men, fifteen and older, who would benefit from this conference. Scholarships and workerships are available.
Please pass this announcement on to other men, or invite them to visit the website at to learn more about the Conference and our community.
