June 11, 2011 is designated to be the first ever Global Holotropic Breathwork Day where hundreds or even thousands of people will breathe on the same day across the globe. Imagine the implications for both global and personal healing!
This Global Breathwork Day will take place as the focal point of a 6-week teleseminar series starting May 24 in which Stan and Christina will speak each week with designated guests (including Archetypal Astrologer Rick Tarnas and Buddhist Jack Kornfield among others) on special topics related to Holotropic Breathwork, current culture, and Transpersonal Psychology.
Certified Breathwork Facilitators the world over will be hosting events on June 11 so that individuals and groups can locate and participate in Holotropic Breathwork events all on the same day. Much in the spirit of other collective events involving other modalities like meditation or prayer, it is the deep hope that creating this kind of powerful "field" by having so many people focused on a transformative practice like Holotropic Breathwork at the same time can have an amplified impact on healing for both individuals and the world at large.
Check out this other8.5 minute video from creator Stan Grof outlining the event and talking about the origins of and his take on Holotropic Breathwork: http://www.grof-holotropic-breathwork.net/video/stangrof-on-global-....
For a growing list of Holotropic Breathwork events taking place around the world on June 11--and to find one near you, visithttp://www.grof-holotropic-breathwork.net/page/global-breathwork-da... (Each event is priced and sold separately by individual certified practitioners in each area).
To register for the teleseminar series only (cost $179 for all 6 weeks) , visit http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1337885.
The weekly calls in the series run for 90 minutes, which includes 30 minutes of Q&A. Calls are scheduled on six consecutive Tuesdays at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET and 7:00pm GMT beginning May 24th.
Unable to make one or more of the live calls? No problem. These calls will be recorded and posted in the Discovery Portal within 24 hrs of the live call so you can access them at your leisure. We also plan to create transcripts of the calls and will post them in the Discovery Portal as they are completed.
Cost for the 6-week Holotropic TeleSeries is $179
Register now! http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1337885.
For more information about Holotropic Breathwork,read some FAQs here: http://www.grof-holotropic-breathwork.net/page/hb-faqs