• Apr 9, 2015 from 10:30am to 11:30am PDT
  • Location: "on the phone - starts at 5:30 Pacific Daylight Time U.S."
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

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Plants are sentient beings that are connected in profound, complex and mysterious ways to the health of our bodies and minds. 

We generally think of plants as sources of food, and sometimes we recognize their healing powers when they help us cure an illness, but there are many crucial functions they perform continually inside us that we are not aware of.

Becoming aware of these activities through simple methods of mindfulness and contemplative study opens our eyes to our deep biological unity and intimate interconnectedness with life.

Through the photosynthetic actions of plants we are directly connected to the sun: we can learn to feel this unity in the metabolic warmth of the body.  We breathe together with plants: every breath can become an opportunity to feel our kinship with other living beings that nourish us.

This simple yet profound awareness is easily accessible to our ordinary consciousness, and rapidly develops what Floracopeia founder David Crow calls "ecological spirituality." Plants, therefore, are the key to spiritual evolution, if we know how to commune with them to discover the expressions of their life-giving intelligence.

The fascinating and powerful relationship between plants and spiritual evolution is the passion of David Crow, who is brilliant on this subject.

This presentation will draw from David Crow's almost forty years of studying the healing powers of plants in various cultures with many gifted teachers, from the shamanic traditions of the Amazon to the alchemical mysteries of the Himalayas and the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It is a unique offering of knowledge, information and insights that your community will find deeply enriching as well as practical!

David Crow, L.Ac. is one of the world’s foremost experts and leading speakers in the field of botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare. He is a master herbalist, aromatherapist and acupuncturist with over 30 years experience and is an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems. David is a renowned author, a poet and is the founding director of Floracopeia Aromatic Treasures. Floracopeia was created as a way to help preserve and promote the use of botanical medicines as solutions to solving numerous interrelated global problems: lack of healthcare, poverty, environmental destruction and loss of ethnobotanical knowledge.

David Crow has presented his vision of grassroots healthcare, preservation of botanical medicines, and the use of plants for ecological restoration to hundreds of audiences, ranging from small private groups to conferences and lecture halls, to a panel discussion with the Dalai Lama broadcast internationally to millions of viewers

REGISTER for the FREE teleseminar here

Note: This event is offered by The Shift Network. Please direct any logistical questions to them.

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