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You will understand more deeply the power that attach to the process of choosing a therapist
Therapists get a lot of training in how to assess new clients for therapy. But clients do not usually get the same kind of assistance. This pattern produces a problem of power. If prospective clients could have the chance to develop their ideas about who would be a suitable therapist for them, it would increase their sense of agency. It may also make for more productive (if occasionally more argumentative) therapy.
The talk will cover questions ranging from the practical to the ideological, arguing that discovering the therapist’s values and ethics are as important in the client’s choice as the therapist’s personality or demographic profile.
If you are a client, you will be better equipped to choose your prospective therapist.
If you are a therapist, you will be introduced to ways of facilitating your prospective client’s choice of therapist.
You will understand more deeply the power and other issues that attach to the process of choosing a therapist.
Andrew Samuels has, for almost 40 years, evolved a clinical blend of post-Jungian, relational psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches to therapy work. He is recognised internationally as one of the leading commentators from a psychotherapeutic perspective on political and social problems. His work on the father, sexuality, spirituality and countertransference has also been widely appreciated.
NOTE: This event is offered by Stillpoint Spaces, and the times listed for this free webinar are Central European Times. Click here for a Time Zone Converter to find out when it takes place in your time zone.