• Nov 29, 2012 from 3:00am to 6:00am
  • Location: online
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Join Asheville Jung Center November 29th for this 3 hour internet seminar live from Zurich and Washington, DC as they look at The Apocalypse / “End of the World” – An Archetypal Image!


Murray Stein is Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAPZurich) in Zürich, Switzerland.

Karin Jironet is a Jungian psychoanalyst in The Netherlands and Vice President of De Baak.

Nancy Furlotti is a Jungian psychoanalyst in Los Angeles and Colorado.

The public’s attention has been fixed on the image of apocalypse since it became known that the Maya Calendar “ends” on December 21, 2012. Does this mean the world will end on that day? This shocking prospect has encouraged a response from the deeper layers of the human imagination, which has brought back into collective awareness the archetypal image of the apocalypse. This theme has been inscribed in Western consciousness by the Biblical canon with the final Book, The Book of Revelation, featuring images of the world’s destruction, the end of time, the Last Judgment and the New Jerusalem. Is this what we are facing on December 21, 2012?

Nancy Furlotti has extensively studied the Maya Calendar and in her presentation will explore the meaning of the ending of the present historical cycle as conceived by the Maya mythologists. Hers is a fascinating story replete with archeological data, images of Maya culture, and ancient reflections about temporal cycles of vast proportions

The emotional issues stirred up by apocalyptic scenarios are what psychological practitioners – counselors, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts – take a special interest in. What depths of the psyche are being activated in our time? The great mythic images have a psychological meaning and are part of a general transformation process going on within a global culture now in formation.

Jung was attuned intuitively to the enormous cultural shift that is underway. One of his last essays considers the wide observation of flying saucers as the harbinger of a visitation that will inaugurate a new era of human consciousness just as the appearance of a savior two thousand years ago inaugurated the Christian Aeon and the Age of Pisces. Do we stand on the precipice of such a dramatic moment in world history?

Thursday, November 29th, 2012
11:00 am to 2:00 pm (Eastern US Time Zone)

$36 $24.99 for seminar viewing (may watch live and unlimited recorded viewings)
$119 $96.99 for Seminar and 5.0 hours of Professional Continuing Education Credit
[includes seminar viewing & re-viewing, full written transcript, 30 question exam & 5.0 CE Credits]

Get more details & link for registration here

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