May 30- June 10, 2012  in Colorado and Utah with Animas Guides Mary Marsden and Nate Bacon. 

This quest is an opportunity to participate in an intimate and life-changing dance with the wild body of Earth, within which our lives are always embedded.

Stepping off from the paved surfaces and habitual ways of moving in our day-to-day lives as we have known them, we will reverently seek to make ourselves available to deep encounter with the others of the world - with the mysteries of nature and psyche. We will avail ourselves through opening to our hearts, sensate bodies, night dreams, deep imaginations and the necessary shedding of skins that have grown too small. We will discover that our own shedding, and the new and ancient life underneath, are offerings for which the world itself is deeply hungry. If we are lucky we may find ourselves falling more deeply into a love affair with the mysterious otherness of the wild world- a love affair that will change each of us forever, each in our own particular ways.

The opportunity for intimacy with the mountain upon which we will quest is greatly enhanced by the all-camping format, which not only extends our time on this wild mountain, but also allows for a significant reduction in costs. After our brief gathering in Durango, CO, we will drive to the Abajo Mountains and car-camp for three nights at 8,000 feet among the towering ponderosa pines. From there we backpack up the mountain slope to camp at 9,000 feet in a meadow filled with wildflowers and surrounded by enchanted, and enchanting, groves of aspen and oak. We look out into a vast landscape of ancient redrock canyons below, and rugged mountain ranges on the distant horizon.

If you feel pulled to this wild place; if you feel the ripeness of your own longing to more deeply inhabit your animal body, your Earth-rooted imagination, and the one life you were born to live; if you want to make of yourself an offering, please join us as we follow precious tracks, and those mysterious ones leaving them behind to show us the way, that we may each find our own particular paths deeper and deeper into the heart of the world.

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