This workshop explores the relationship between C.G. Jung’s alchemical study and the Hermetic Tree of Life through the lens of the BodySoul© work of Marion Woodman.
We will enter into the experience of “backing into the tree” for a deeper understanding of this profound path to consciousness. The study of alchemy as elucidated by this ancient glyph invites deepened understanding of Jung’s concepts of archetype, image and symbol, bridging the collective and the personal psyche to reflect the Soul’s journey to consciousness.
When circuits between the archetypal, and physical realms are open, our senses serve as guides to reveal paths leading towards wholeness. In quickening the cosmic dance between force and form, above and below, masculine and feminine, macrocosm and microcosm, alpha and omega, we evoke a synthesis wherein the dancer and the dance become one.
To get the most from this workshop, familiarity with Jung, dream work or movement is helpful.
For more information about this and similar workshops, visit
Know Thyself, a profound path to consciousness. This is the struggle, especially when so many external forces are viewed as either or extremes rather than branches towards transformation.