Answer to Joe: The Myth of Our Times - FREE WEBINAR presented by Dale O'Brien
- Jan 31, 2015 from 5:00am to 6:30am PST
- Location: Online Webinar
- Description:
- Created by: Dale O'Brien
Past Events (1486)
Free Teleseminar: Shamanic journeying for healing our world with Sandra Ingerman
- Jan 31, 2015 from 2:00am to 3:00pm PST
- Location: "on the phone - times are 10pm PT or 1pm ET"
- Description:
Do you tend to avoid television and other outlets for news because you are so sensitive to the suffering of others? It’s easy to feel depressed, sad, even hopeless and disempowered in the face of it all.
But what if you could access the power to mak - Created by: Depth Alliance
Complexes, Field Theory and the Creative Unconscious with Dr. Michael Conforti
- Jan 29, 2015 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm PST
- Location: On-line Webinar
- Description:
Jung described the creative as an autonomous complex which has the momentum to shift our psychic center of gravity.
In this second webinar session of the Patterns of the Creative Unconscious Course, Dr. Michael Conforti will explicate the relationsh
- Created by: Loralee Scott-Conforti
The Mary Magdalene Seminar: Archetype of Wholeness
- Jan 28, 2015 from 5:00am to 7:00am PST
- Location: Norm Cram Community Hall (behind St. John's EPiscopal Church)
- Description:
Join mythologist and cultural historian Kayleen Asbo for a seven week in-depth look at Mary Magdalene through art, music and story. From her earliest images as "Apostle to the Apostles" to the controversial legends of her as Consort, Bride and Mother
- Created by: Kayleen Asbo
A Circle of Light in a Dark Time
- Jan 24, 2015 from 11:30am to 1:30pm PST
- Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis
- Description:
An Evening of Story, Song and Poetry
Featuring Hari Meyers, Laura Sandage and Maya and Barry Spector
We will gather to bring our spirits into the warmth and refuge of communion, to weave strands of beauty and light through the uncertainty and darkness
- Created by: Barry Spector
The Inside Story of Biosphere2
- Jan 23, 2015 from 11:00am to 1:00pm PST
- Location: Han University
- Description:
Two of the original team members, Taber MacCallum and Jane Poynter, will be interviewed by Jungian analyst Susan Schwartz about their experience of isolation and confinement inside Biosphere2 for two years and twenty minutes.
- Created by: sylvia simpson md
Ancestral Healing Intensive
- Jan 23, 2015 at 2:00am to Jan 25, 2015 at 9:00am PST
- Location: SF Bay Area
- Description:
Everyone has loving and wise ancestors, and by reaching out for their support we access tremendous vitality for personal and family healing. In addition to supporting repairs with living family, our ancestors encourage healthy self-esteem and help us
- Created by: Daniel Foor
Santa Barbara Mythic Roundtable: “Tools and Inspiration for Creating New Myths”
- Jan 22, 2015 from 11:00am to 12:30pm PST
- Location: Granada Book Store
- Description:
Mr. Paul will read one his recently published “New Myths” and engineer a live “Myth Lab” exercise that will generate a new myth with the audience.
Writers, artists, mythologists, storytellers, teachers & activists are encouraged to attend the roundtab
- Created by: Willi Paul
Dream Conference: "Dreams, Archetypes, and the Complex" with Michael Conforti
- Jan 22, 2015 to Jan 25, 2015
- Location: Westward Look Resort
- Description:
Join Michael Conforti at the beautiful Westward Look Resort as we take an in-depth look at the voice in the dream, and discuss ways to discern the archetypal-objective and subjective meaning of images.
The dream may portray us as achieving an importan
- Created by: Dr. Michael Conforti
FREE Teleseminar: "Unbroken": The Resilience of Psyche and Soul in Times of Trauma
- Jan 19, 2015 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm PST
- Location: "online or on the phone"
- Description:
Join film director and writer Gregory O'Conner and Jungian analyst Michael Conforti for this FREE Teleseminar as they discuss the movie Unbroken from an archetypal perspective.
This event is FREE to attend, but you must formally register for access i
- Created by: Dr. Michael Conforti
- Jan 17, 2015 from 2:00am to 9:00am PST
- Location: Franciscan Renewal Center, Santa Barbara Room
- Description:
The general public is invited to join the Phoenix Friends of C.G. Jung at 10:00 am on January 17, 2015 at The Casa (Franciscan Renewal Center), 5802 E. Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale (in The Santa Barbara). Dr. Wanless’ lecture and workshop will broaden y
- Created by: Kathy Shimpock
Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Associaton (PGIAA)
- Jan 15, 2015 to Jan 18, 2015
- Location: Ladera Lane Campus (Pacifica Graduate Institute)
- Description:
We are elated to share initial registration and information for our upcoming Annual Meeting, “Coming Home” a weekend of educational and exciting festivities for alum, family, friends and the community. “Coming Home” will be held on Friday January 16t
- Created by: Dianne Travis Teague
FREE Teleseminar: The Art of Feminine Alchemy: How to Move Beyond Personal Healing to Archetypal Transformation
- Jan 14, 2015 from 9:30am to 10:30am PST
- Location: "on the phone" - starts at 5:30 Pacific Time U.S.
- Description:
Are you tired of rehearsing old stories, processing outdated patterns, or living in a limited view of yourself?
Then it may be time to go beyond a psychological approach to growth and discover a more alchemical path that transforms your “lead” into th
- Created by: Bonnie Bright
CALL for PROPOSALS—On Nature & the Feminine: Psychological & Cultural Reflections
- Jan 14, 2015 to Jan 15, 2015
- Location: online, "via email"
- Description:
13th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology—Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies
Location: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Dates: June 11-1313, 2015
Nature is not matter only, she is also spirit. ~ C. G. Jung, CW13, p
- Created by: Bonnie Bright
Free Video Broadcast: Barbara Marx Hubbard’s 85th Birthday Broadcast: Pioneering the Next Stage of Human Evolution
- Dec 22, 2014 from 9:30am to 10:30am PST
- Location: online - times listed are 5:30 PM PT, 8:30 PM ET
- Description:
Join us for a very special event, a 1-hour free video broadcast on Dec. 22nd (Barbara Marx Hubbard’s 85th birthday) in which she will lay out her vision for the future and how we can all help co-create a larger evolutionary shift for humanity!
- Created by: Depth Alliance
FREE Teleseminar: "Soul and Education": Assisi Institute Open House with Michael Conforti
- Dec 18, 2014 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm PST
- Location: "on the phone - times are 8pm ET or 5pm PT"
- Description:
Register for this complimentary teleseminar HERE
It was the love of psyche that compelled Jung and the early Jungians to the study of myth, fairy tale, religion and the sciences. The realization that it was not the conscious mind but the Self which
- Created by: Dr. Michael Conforti
Free Online Q&A: The Feminine principle-The making of Ensoulment movie
- Dec 11, 2014 from 11:30am to 1:00pm PST
- Location: Time is in Central European TIme (Berlin, Zurich), 1:30 PM Eastern US time
- Description:
An Exploration of the Jungian Principle of the Feminine with Lorís Simón Salum
When there is no judgment present, what is alive in you? What wants to be lived inside of you?"
A conversation about how the fil
- Created by: Hana Cermakova
Diving into Creative Space: Metaphor & the Symbolic Domain Experiential Teleclass
- Dec 11, 2014 from 9:00am to 10:30am PST
- Location: Teleclass, register to get call information - Times listed are PT
- Description: NOTE: This course will honor the profound images that people experienced in last month's teleclass (Opening Creative Space: Metaphor & the Symbolic Domain) and will offer time for you to go more deeply into them. If you missed the last class, you wil
- Created by: Kim Hermanson, Ph.D.
POSTPONED INDEFINITELY: Narcissistic Wounding and the Mystery of the Holy Grail with Jungian Kenneth Kimmel
- Dec 11, 2014 from 1:30am to 2:30pm PST
- Location: online - Time listed is U.S. Pacific Time
- Description:
UPDATE 12/9/14: Due to some logistical challenges, this event has been postponed. Please check with Fisher King Press by following the link/info here below for future offerings/updates.
Date: Wednesday December 11, 2014
Time: 9:30 AM Pacific Time
Pr - Created by: Depth Alliance
One day Holotropic Breathwork workshop on December 6th, 2014
- Dec 6, 2014 from 12:45am to 12:30pm PST
- Location: Oakland
- Description:
HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK is a powerful method of using expanded states of consciousness for self-exploration, personal transformation and healing. It is based on insights from modern consciousness research, depth psychology, and various spiritual pract
- Created by: Mireya Alejo Marcet