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Oct 8, 2024 at 1:00pm to Dec 21, 2024 at 2:30pm
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Oct 12, 2024 at 1:00pm to Dec 14, 2024 at 2:30pm
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Jul 22, 2023 at 1:00pm to Aug 19, 2023 at 2:00pm
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Jul 15, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
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Jun 10, 2023 at 4:00pm to Jul 1, 2023 at 5:00pm
<a href="https://www.depthpsychologyacademy.com/courses/individuation-and-right-livelihood">https://www.depthpsychologyacademy.com/courses/individuation-and-right-livelihood</a>
Jun 3, 2023 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm
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May 20, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
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Mar 11, 2023 at 1:00pm to Apr 26, 2023 at 2:30pm
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Announcing “Earth, Climate, Dreams”—the BOOK! 13 in-depth conversations with Depth Psychologists on how we address these critical topics in the Age of the Anthropocene.
Contributors include Jungian analyst Jerome Bernstein; climate scientist and Jungian, Jeffrey Kiehl; Jungian…
U.K.-based psychotherapist and activist, Andrew Samuels has a long history as a consultant to political clients on the presidential and prime ministerial level. While Samuels first published Politics on the Couch in 2001 and The Political Psyche in 2015, his newest book, …
As the newly appointed President and CEO of Pacifica, Dr. Joseph Cambray was drawn to Pacifica in part because he perceived the powerful opportunities it offered to pursue new directions in depth psychology and to help grow depth psychology on the world stage.…
30% discount for Depth Psychology Alliance Members on this newly released James Hillman Audio Program:
At a time when issues with culture and conflict seem to be "up" for many of us, the time is right to…
In this latest interview from Depth Alliance founder, Bonnie Bright, PhD, Dr. Jean Houston makes a passionate call for us to each "elect ourselves" and to "become party to all our parts." There couldn't be a more compelling and poignant call at this critical time in our world....
Jean Houston is almost legendary in popular culture for her passionate engagement, poetic rhetoric, and her poignant appeal for transformation and belief in what…
Even before getting her Master’s degree in Counseling psychology at Pacifica, Adriana…
Excerpt from a powerful new post by Jungian analyst and climate scientist, Jeffrey T. Kiehl:
“If we are stumbling into an era of dictators, Caesars, and incarnated States, we have accomplished a cycle of two thousand years and the serpent has again met with its own tail. Then…
Check out a new interview and blogpost from Bonnie Bright: "Encountering Sabina Spielrein: Forging Paths To & Through Powerful Women in Depth Psychology" with Angela Sells, who is teaching on the topic this Fall at Meridian University!
Thanks, Angela, for a fascinating conversation!
In 2011, Sabina Spielrein became something of a household name due to the debut of a mainstream film called A Dangerous Method, starring well-known actors including Michael…
not with it the mental finger
takes possession of the soul
Dreams are the message
to every human
Everyone has to understand dreams for themselves
to gain new insight
in a person's everyday activities
The decision is there
to be in permanent dialogue with the soul
Man is not the author of his dreams
in the drama of the soul man plays only a secondary role
Everyone has to work out their method
so he can achieve his dreams
through the training of the soul
can really understand
What and how a person experiences his dreams
how he deals with it
must remain in the intimacy of the Kienethic
the human being must not submit to the formal and functional aspects of a healer from the outside
life holds a variety of possibilities
throughout a person's lifetime
how a person fills in the here and now is his own responsibility
the soul
the spirit
is in us
and not out there
is not sick
the soul
the human
in unity
to all senses
as a living being
from the outside
our unstable
that we as a disease
as such
deficient with a finding
call it that
the healing
is within ourselves
also with the consultation
and assistance
through others
which every human being
in all its variety
through a treatment
on the inside
its equivalent
have to have
of what we postulate as recovery
the spirit
is in us
i am time
in my
limited time
the Great Mother
had me
in the blood scream
thrown to earth
we are all
the children
of the great mother
des Traums
zu leicht nimmt
den schickt die Seele
zur Nachtmeerfahrt
in den Sturm
auf Hoher See
ins Unterbewusste
da wo nur
durch ihre Hilfe
es ein zurück
ins Leben gibt
The Reality of the Soul
the determination of the soul
is in each subjective moment
an occurrence of experience
in every human being
The Laws of the Soul
is the assignment
of every human being
The insight brings us
the dream
by the mouthpiece of the soul
The mass of people gathering
it is not a guarantee
the visionaries
the Spiritual ones
the healer
in the diagnosis of a
people looking for advice
have the truth
and wisdom is not leased
every human
is requested
the reputation
the soul
in his own way
in everyday life
of teaching
from the soul
to follow
and the soul
to obey
Questions from outsiders
to the mystery
the relationship
of human
and soul
to know better
are nothing but obscene
everything is from this world
in the universe
in which mother earth rotates
No one
we ourselves too
do not know
for what and who
we really are
With kind regards
Hans Gamma
I have been trying to pay dues without PayPal. Can I just send you a check since I am not able to with my credit card. An address please.
Rita Diamantine
Thanks, Bonnie, for the welcome, I was in the Depth program, and Robert Romanyshyn was my advisor. Finished up in 2010, just after I got my first horse, and was thrilled to realize that I could combine both loves. Just located this site, for some reason, and am looking forward to participating.
-- Kay
Thanks Bonnie. But I probably won’t post here anymore. I told a story that bespeaks Jungian psychology three-dimensionality, in real time, the real deal, and I didn’t receive back one comment about it. It almost seems that people can only relate to Jungian psychology two-dimensionally, surrogately, and academically, on a piece of paper representing the distant past; like they don’t really believe in it, but only use it to pretend they’re erudite. That’s probably unfair. It might simply be that I’m an asshole. Yes, I'm sure of it.
Thank you.
You're absolutely right, Cheryl. There are instructions posted here (under the ABOUT tab) that should be of help: http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/page/video-webinar-platform