***Discounted Registration for members of Depth Psyche Alliance!!!
Every spiritual tradition teaches us to prepare for an encounter with the transcendent. It was C.G. Jung, mystic, artist, physician and sage, whose understanding of dreams and archetypal images, taught us to listen to the voice of Self and the transcendent. Our task is to learn this other language, this other sensibility, this other way.
I invite you to join us this May, in beautiful Brattleboro, VT, as together with an exceptional faculty and professionals from across the country, we learn to understand the language of our dreams.
We have a phenomenal line-up of the following faculty & presentations:
Dream Translation: From Image to Living Wisdom--
Dr. Michael Conforti (Michael Conforti, Ph.D, is a Jungian Analyst, and is the founder and director of the Assisi Institute.)
Archetypal Wisdom: Dreams Through A Talmudic Perspective--Dr. Aryeh Maidenbaum (Aryeh Maidenbaum, Ph.D., is Director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies, a graduate of the Jung Institute of Zurich, former faculty member of NYU, former Executive Director of the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York. )
Dreams in the Original Testament--Rise Kaufmann (Dr. Kaufmann is a Clinical Psychologist with more than thirty (30) years of private practice experience. She obtained her Doctorate from Columbia University and served on the faculty of City University.)
What Are Dreams For? A Message From Within
That Carries a Call to Action--David Rottman (David Rottman is President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of New York. He is the President of Zahav Books Inc.)
Includes panel discussions, premiere Accendo dance company and a gourmet Italian meal!
-- Also includes a very special presentation: "Women's Voices: Wisdom's Legacy"(on Saturday, May 19th Only).
In this first ever Assisi Institute forum, we will celebrate the legacy of wisdom that has been birthed into the world with voices that are distinctly feminine, yet with a courage and conviction that transcends gender and reverberates throughout history.
Register: Email assisi@together.netor call (802) 254-6220. CE Units Available. Starts Thursday morning and ends at noon on Sunday.
***Discounted Registration for members of Depth Psyche Alliance!!!