“I do not know what Africa is really saying to me, but it speaks. Imagine a tremendous sun, air clear as in the highest mountains, a sea bluer than any you have ever seen, all colors of incredible power. In the markets you can still buy the amphorae of antiquity—things like that—and the moon!”—C. G. Jung
This interactive talk will introduce the Nigerian Yoruba Ifa divining practices as a form of oral tradition. Storytelling links the world of archetypes to the myths and legends used in transmission of these ancient stories that guide individuals exploring the human journey—past, present and future. Participants will have an opportunity to discover how Jungian typology is linked to African Orisas (deities) myths. This mythology provides insight into patterns of temperament and the stages of the Hero’s Journey.
Marilyn Torres, MS, is known as the WestWinds Storyteller in the Phoenix valley area. Professor Torres is an ordained storyteller of West African Yoruba Oral traditional of over 33 years. She received two chieftaincies in the village of Imota in West Africa, Nigeria, in 1984 as a descendent of the “children of slavery from the island of Puerto Rico.” During her fieldwork in Nigeria while visiting among her elders, Marilyn was renamed Omifunke in honor of her father’s lineage and her return to her ancestral lands among the Yoruba people of West Africa. Professor Torres is a residential Faculty member for The Storytelling Institute at South Mountain Community College, as well as a trainer/facilitator for Achieving a College Education Program (ACE) at South Mountain Community College. Marilyn incorporates storytelling into all forms of academic achievement, literacy and college bound leadership among youth, children and adults teaching The Art of Storytelling, Multicultural Folktales, Sacred Stories from Around the World, African Oral Traditions, and Storytelling in Healing Setting.
Sponsored by the Phoenix Friends of CG Jung.
Event will be held in the Santa Barbara Room at The Casa.
Registration at: http://phoenixfriendsofcgjung.org/wordpress/events/