• Dec 11, 2015 from 6:30am to 7:30am PST
  • Location: online
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Are you a depth practitioner or dedicated Depth Alliance member who is struggling to feel aligned with soul this holiday season (and in general?)

Are you finding yourself feeing isolated, alone, or overwhelmed with the cultural crisis and a sense of loss? 

Are you wishing for a likeminded soulful community who can come together on a regular basis to discuss current events from a depth psychological perspective, to share dreams, or explore symbols and myth and how they apply to your own life and to the collective culture at large?
We have entered a time of potentially unprecedented upheaval. We are in epoch changing times in our history and in our evolution. 
We have seen war and climate change create displacement, suffering and fear in every species on our planet and many of us are shaken to the core of our humanity. Our systems are crumbling and as yet, new systems are not yet envisioned.
How do we hold and navigate through these times personally and in our communities? Many of us are grasping at ways we can hold a vision of sanity and of hope individually and collectively?  
We would like to invite you to partake of an opportunity through Depth Psychology Alliance to gather and share our stories and our challenges, creating safe spaces in which to share our hopes, fears, struggles and dreams. 

If you are dedicated to self-exploration, are respectful of others, and are a Depth Psychology Alliance member wishing to connect in community, we invite you to join Alliance board member and group leader, Eva Rider, M.A., plus Bonnie Bright and other board members and Alliance members THIS FRIDAY, December 11, from 2:30 to 3:30 to converge and to begin. 

Let’s talk, engage and create community. All things are possible. 


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/393260372

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 393 260 372

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=x9bZSdk9JkrRKsd1n7xFBngt5uEBpa7t

This event is FREE to join. Donations welcomed to help us offset costs if you feel able to contribute.

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of Depth Psychology Alliance to add comments!

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    There are pieces of work [patterns] laid down deeply within my being that periodically surface and manifest.  I have been fortunate for God [whatever that source may be for you] has blessed me with all kinds of messengers/messages in a variety of forms to aid in my healing transformation.  Currently, I am in a lullaby period recovering from a stormy 9 months of unbelievable intenseness.  I have several deeply embedded, partially amnesic memory fragments for several of my collection of NDE survived, blessed by throughout my life.  Recall of some of these memories [megamomentaries] that have surfaced into conscious awareness are spontaneously and profound leaving me in states of total shock, awe and surprise for the depth of peace, love and contentment experienced then opens me to feel the deepest and darkest sorrows and joys of people plus what planet earth natural nature manifests.  Oh so humbling and shakes me to my very essence and fiber of my core being… returning me to that place where I was where fire meets ice… and I am so deep within my heart-of-hearts I can barely stand the excitement of the passion and love potential felt.

    Since February, some messages [resources] have come to my attention that I ought to delve cognitively deeper into, however, I am physically older now [remain young at heart], and do not mind admitting I no longer want to go on these paths alone.  I have meditated and prayed deeply on these matters and received the message that it is OK to both seek support and speak my truth as experienced.  I am relieved for if God wants me to uncover, disclose and share more deeply embedded NDE content, and as I am only human and elderly, but in the best health I’ve been in my whole lifespan to date, then, I would like human connection to do so.    


    I have worked very hard on my healing sojourns and remain embodied since 2006, however, it is so tempting to enter into some of the altered states I have known where I survived for the first 35 years of my life.  My question today to all in our community circle is are you willing to read the resources that have come as messages to me combined with the images representative of moments contained within NDE recalled that remain flashbulb memory moments and hold space for and with me as I delve into the anomalous experiences contained deeply within near-death?

    Perhaps this is too much to ask but if you never ask you’ll never know!  Thank you all for being out there.


    PS. I have a personal spiritual director and therapist and see you all as my new circle of in-depth virtual and soulful brothers and sisters.  For years, my bonding and attachment has been towards the family of man, especially since many of my close intimates have died, both family + friends.  Peace + Love Linda


    I am very grateful to Eva for organizing and leading spontaneously with Bonnie in the launch of our virtual in-depth circle.  For me, this is a dream realized and I am so excited.  It will be wonderful to have and hold this open topic, sacred and limitless virtual space and place with each other where we are simply be free to obtain the support we need as we endeavor to share, delve deeper and collaborate with each other.  I believe all will benefit and we will take from here and share it with our other inner circles, then and out into the world. At a minimum, I envision we will all receive that which we need and came for... a more in-depth understanding of our self, each other, our callings and passion, especially surrounding the mysteries we are all encountering along the way in these epoch times where the need for individual-to-planetary transformation towards mending and healing of those man-made disastrous conditions that can be changed, but continue to plagues all of humanity and planet earth.  I believe in here we can be instrumental towards these changes.

    Today…for the first time in Saudi, the women have the right and many have registered to vote!

    Also today, an agreement between developed and undeveloped countries has been drafted and awaiting signatures for the target goal for the reduction of fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere, that ought to help slow global warming.  Peace + Love Linda

  • Thank you all who gathered today at the Alliance in Navigating and Coping in epoch changing times. Creating community through connection and embracing through our discussion was such a gift. Thank you to Bonnie for opening the platform and for co-facilitating with me. A great beginning for deepening  and exploring ways to support and navigate through our troubled times through sharing poetry, artistry, feeling, thought, experience. 

    A great beginning. Let's do it again and keep the conversation unfolding.

  • Looking forward to seeing (or at least hearing) you all. We think this will be a beautiful "circle" for connecting. 

  • Good morning All - Thank you Eva for being our group leader opening up more opportunity for us to engage, create and share more with each other.  Even though I have limited internet dial-up service, I am going to try to be visible using my webcam, for short periods of time, however, if this is not possible today, I will be present on the phone. 

  • Education Institution

    Thank you Bonnie for this lovely gathering. I will try my best to be part of it.

  • Would have liked to have been present, but time difference being such, I will be at a Rock Kirtan in Anjuna ( led by a Spanish guitarist) Yet another effort to stay grounded. Goa this year is going whole tilt meditative. It is the times. Peace and Goodwill to you, Eva Rider, and to everyone at Depth Psychology. Namaste.

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