How we change our brain to change the culture: Experience how creativity, beauty, art, and diverse experiences can turn on gene expression and change brain patterning. Learn how to facilitate the 4-stage creative process for optimizing of brain growth, problem solving, and mind-body healing.
Join us for a weekend training for psychotherapists and the general public in learning how to change your brain for health and well being.
14 CEU'S Available for MFT, LCSW, Psychologists
NEW PRICING! Tuition is reduced to $195--Too good to pass up...
Bring your YOGA mats if you wish for gentle movement and breathing.
Workshop Location Sea Pines Golf Resort
1945 Solano Street
Los Osos, CA 93402
Room Special rate $99 per room/per night
Make your room reservation directly with Sea Pines at:1 888.SEAPINE (1.888.732.7463)