Experiential Approaches
to Dream Work
In this therapeutic group we will focus on methods that help us enter the terrain of our dreams in order to understand what they reveal about ourselves and our lives. In particular group members will:
Ͼ Learn techniques for remembering dreams
Ͼ Learn the three distinct and essential steps in learning to listen to dreams
Ͼ Practice various methods of dream work, including dialoguing with dream figures and entering the dreamscape through expressive and creative modalities
Group Meetings: Starting in September, Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Roseville.
The Cost: $30 per session ($120 per month), or $100 per month if paid in advance at the start of each month.
For further information phone Rebecca Pottenger, MA, at 916.780.1059, ext. 1