FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and dedicated to remembering victims of violence in communities around the world, "Pondering Peace In a World of Turmoil” is a 3-day community forum to promote peace in the community through intercultural communication, contemplation, sage guidance, and artistic expression.


This special event will gather community leaders, Pacifica Graduate Institute Faculty, students and alumni, local artists and renowned visionaries to encourage, inspire, and chart a transition or path toward peace during tumultuous and heart-wrenching times.

Our social, political, and global climate is currently experiencing a high level of conflict, fear, and confusion. In order to transform conflict into a constructive force we need to collectively explore a diverse set of innovative solutions and learn from unique perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that each person and group brings to the process of creating peace in our communities.

For 40 years, Pacifica Graduate Institute has tended the soul of the world through academia, counseling, humanities, and social justice that stretches across generations and throughout all levels of society. Bringing together a diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and disciplines into meaningful relationships is a critical part of this vision.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS—Deadline: September 2:

Potential submissions may be in the form of paper or poster presentations, workshops, roundtable or “hot topic” discussions, panel presentations, artwork or media displays or any other innovative presentations of research that explores how peace and participants tend to the soul of the world.

Get more details here

For questions, call Alumni Relations at 805.879.7303


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