• Apr 8, 2018 from 9:00am to 11:00am PDT
  • Location: Golden West College, Fine Arts Bldg. Rm. 222
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Dr. Maram offers a new way of conceptualizing and defining psychopathy that is a convergence of the author's divergent professional experiences as a forensic psychologist, a Jungian-oriented psychotherapist, and her own life experiences over decades as a Jungian student and analysand.  When her father died, the story of his life and their relationship ignited her curiosity about the meaning of psychopathy, enriching and amplifying what she already felt she knew from a wide range of experiences, study, and observations. The result was an exploration of this charged topic, psychopathy, with a new perspective that holds the potential for growth and healing.  At the heart of the story is the power of eros, the devastating ramifications of its absence, and the tremendous healing energy of its presence.    

Eve Maram, PsyD, is a clinical and forensic psychologist and a Jungian-oriented psychotherapist in private practice in Orange, CA. She is currently an Analyst Training Candidate at the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, C.G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe.  She has authored the recently published Psychopathy Within, Chiron Publications (2016), as well as several chapters and articles.  She has a rich and varied background, including decades of experience providing treatment and assessment, both depth-oriented and forensic. Her experience bridges these two apparently divergent areas of psychology, forensic and Jungian, and everything in between. Along with psychological testing and assessment, she has provided intervention and treatment for clients including children and families suffering from child abuse, criminal histories, drug abuse, and mild to severe mental disorders; 8 years serving on the State of California panel evaluating potentially sexually violent predators in the prisons; and 30 years working with sexual abuse perpetrators, victims, and families.  She is committed to making the wonderful message of Jung available to the diverse world, across perceived barriers.

Registration and social gathering begin at 3:00

Lecture begins at 4:00

Entrance fees, links to pre-paid discounted registration form, CEU and all other information at http://www.junginoc.org/2018-04-08.htm

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