• Mar 22, 2014 from 5:00am to 7:00am PDT
  • Location: Ocean Beach
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

This Ritual for the Waters has been inspired by the Dagara tradition of Burkina Faso as taught by Malidoma Somé, and is being hosted on World Water Day, March 22. Meet at noon at the fire rings on Ocean Beach (between stairs 15-20, opposite The Beach Chalet).

Why This Ritual, and Why now?

In recent months, we have felt ourselves concerned by the pollution and the radiation flowing into the "blue heart of the planet"; by its exploitation and declining health; by the disappearing plant and algae, fungi, microbial, animal species; by the collapsing marine ecosystems. We have felt ourselves angry and indifferent and confused and despairing and heartbroken.

In the Dagara cosmology, actions we take in this world are reinforced and energized when taken in right relationship with the other worlds -- when the other worlds are on our side. 

This ritual intends to recall and regenerate our relationship with the other worlds, as also with the waters. Through this ritual for the waters, we seek to offer those ones the depth of our emotions -- our waters -- in this moment of planetary crisis; we seek to bring forth the clarity of heart and vision that will enable us -- as children of this planet, as interdependent and interexisting living beings -- to ask that the ocean bring forth healing. 

Through this ritual, we ask that love may undergird every interaction we have with the waters on this planet. 

Join Us

We invite those who resonate with this intention to join us, in person or wherever you are (tuning in via a body of water, a bowl of water), and we ask you to invite others who may also feel called to join. 

We will connect our intentions with other healers, eco-activists, and elders who are also on this day, in these times, asking for the healing of our relationship to the waters of the planet -- outside and within us. 


Please bring sound/rhythm instruments and prayers; your grief and complex of emotions; pictures or images of ancestors; red cloth. 

Zayin Cabot and Monica Mody are your point people to contact and to look for at the ritual.

Please write to Zayin at westcoastmalidoma@gmail.com or Monica at monica.mody@gmail.com if you have any questions.

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