• Jan 28, 2016 from 11:00am to 1:30pm PST
  • Location: Pacifica Graduate Institute Ladera Campus
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Don’t miss this public salon, “Trauma and PTSD in Contemporary Culture: A Depth Psychological Conversation” with Elizabeth Nelson, Ph.D., author and core faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and Sabine Oishi, Ph.D., MSPH, a health services researcher with the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System and adjunct faculty at Pacifica.

On Thursday, January 28, Nelson and Sabine will discuss how current approaches to post-traumatic stress disorder are failing, due in part to the narrow focus on remission of symptoms, and they will engage a depth psychological lens to inquire into the expression and treatment of PTSD. This conversation aims to make space for re-visioning our understanding of this critical and devastating phenomenon, which is increasingly affecting both individuals and the culture at large.

This salon is part of Pacifica Graduate Institute's Coming Home 2016, "Vocation and Service, a Journey of the Soul" conference/reunion that runs January 28-21 on the Pacifica Ladera campus in Santa Barbara. Keynote speaker is Dr. Ed Tick. Join us for lectures, film, food, and good company.

This conference still has a few spaces to attend! Public welcome. Details here.

Note: Please double check the time of the Salon from your formal Event Schedule or Registration if you plan to attend, as it may have changed since this posting

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