The Grimm’s tale of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” beautifully illustrates the essence of the alchemical processes on the journey towards wholeness. I invite you to join me on a voyage towards exploring and synthesizing some of these elements as they direct the Soul towards embodying its own unique individuality.
At the precipice of Spring Equinox, let’s enter into the heart of this beloved fairy tale via multiple paths – music, movement, dreams and creative expression – to evoke new insights into its deep mysteries and its messages for discovering meaning in our lives.
To get the most from this workshop, familiarity with Jung, dream work or movement is helpful.
To learn more about this and similar workshops, visit
There are still two spaces left for this event in Santa Cruz. The Fairy Tale of "Snow White" describes the alchemical processes inherent to the Individuation journey with beautiful precision.
We will be exploring the deep significance of the fairy tales as it relates to our own personal stories in dreams and life. We will be embodying our dance with shadow engaging movement, music and art.i