Veriditas Presents...
Sparking Your Creativity: Using the Labyrinth to Ignite Your Imagination
An Urban Pilgrimage Featuring Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress
Do you "sit" on your creative urges? Ignore or discount them? Walking the labyrinth is a powerful way to "kick start" your creative flow of images and ideas, no matter how you intend to apply them. Through talks, guided discussions in small groups, soul collage, labyrinth ritual and meditative walking, we will stir all the rich imaginative pot of possibilities and unlock our true creative potential.
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA
August 10th, 2012, 3:30PM - 7:00PM
August 11th, 2012, 9:00AM - 7:30PM
For more information or to register: call 707-283-0373, e-mail, or visit our website at