On Feb. 13, Dr. Veronica Goodchild will offer an online presentation entitled "The Alchemical Nigredo as a Portal to Awakening" as part of a 10-day Global Summit: "Awakening to the Truth of Who We Are"
For info about the Summit, speakers, registration, click here
Free Recording available for 3 days
Dr. Goodchild writes:
We all know that we live in a time of crisis, that is, a time of both danger and opportunity. Destruction and renewal are also the themes of the Alchemical Nigredo, a ‘dark night of the soul’ which, when experienced both personally and collectively as an Initiation, acts as a Portal to Awakening.
Together with Dreams that re-member us to our destiny, and Pilgrimage Walking as a ritual soul journey that connects us energetically with our true home on earth and among the stars - (image yourself as a Grail Chalice - feet on ground, arms raised above your head) - these ‘soul activators’ mark my own contribution to this Summit
However we imagine this moment, it is time - the kairos, divine timing, the ‘right moment’ - to Wake Up, and to Remember Who We Truly Are!
This Summit includes speakers from many different traditions. They each present a unique perspective on the process of Awakening, not so that your own deep process of transformation will be circumvented, but to offer inspiration, support, and skills to be ‘companions on the way’ as we each navigate the deep waters and fires of change, as one worldview and myth (or yuga) dies and another story is in the throes of being born on our precious home planet Earth - one that is already raising the vibration of consciousness and matter amidst the chaos of our times.
Awakening to who we are involves rising up out of the illusions and distortions (fueled by media and corporate news) that hold us back and keep us fettered to outworn ideas, and disconnected from living the fullness of Life and of Who We Are.
‘Unforgetting’ leads us to discover/re-discover the creativity and wonder of our unique purpose here, our bonds with nature and the stars, and our interconnection with each other and all life, at this sea change moment in history that is both daunting and exciting.
You are here because you chose to be and you are needed NOW! Now is the only time that lasts! Now is the time to embrace your multi-dimensional awareness and, as the Grail Cup symbolized and the Grail Code once taught, to become ‘Guardians of the Realm’ and ‘Keepers of the Abiding Light of the Holy Grail,' now in service to self, others, our communities, our planet, and our place with our star brothers and sisters in the galaxy.
Please join us for this rich feast and the many free giveaways that accompany the interviews!
This event hosted by Sacred Planet. Please direct all questions to them.