• Apr 29, 2018 from 9:00am to 11:00am PDT
  • Location: Golden West College, Fine Arts 222
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

When an animal appears in a dream it brings an invitation to enter into its world, to connect with its nature.  If we accept this invitation we may discover a new relationship to our often-neglected instincts. Becoming a modern individual necessitates a certain distance from the instincts.  However, we can become one-sided, living mostly through the mind.  This imbalance is a disconnection from one’s true nature, causing suffering from the loss of meaning.

The dream of the animal is the face of the instinct. The task is to interpret the animal as archetype and to apply its meaning to one’s process.  This presentation will be an exploration of animal symbolism through Jungian dream analysis.

Janet Blaser, MFT, graduated from Pacifica Graduate Institute and was certified as a Jungian analyst by the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California.  She has written articles and given presentations on the subjects of animals and alchemy as they appear in dreams and in sandplay.  Janet has a private practice in San Pedro, California.

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