Our task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

–––> Rumi

THE LOVE JOURNEY continues this summer with two accessible events, both on islands in the eastern Mediterranean.  

We will use the depth psychological approach in harnessing the power of breathwork to produce a state of active dreaming, to discover our own wounds of love and make them accessible for healing and integration into our conscious living.

Come and join us at either of these amazing settings for a turn-around experience that will propel you into your next chapters... The Klima Bay/Ios event is the most amazing off-the-grid setting, the kind of place where the ancient mariners would have put in for the night on their journeys between Crete and Athens...

Two events, July 21-28 (Turkey) and August 7-14 (Greece)

Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything. ––––> Ray Bradbury

see complete descriptions at


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