A Rudolf Steiner College Event: Co-sponsored by the Center for Creative Growth (www.creativegrowth.com) with Robert Sardello, Ph.D. * William Bento, Ph.D. * James Dyson, MD. * Dennis Klocek, MFA.Simultaneous with the emergence of Psychology in the 20th century, there was a resurgence of the quest to find a greater wisdom to guide humanity through the modern dilemmas facing the human soul. In Berlin, Germany on November 1–4, 1910, Rudolf Steiner followed his seminal lectures on the “Wisdom of the Body” with four poignant lectures on the “Wisdom of the Soul” or what he referred to as psychosophy.A century later we find ourselves experiencing the same longings as those felt by those at the outset of the last century, yet we have a new set of soul dilemmas facing us. In the spirit of Steiner’s call for a more experiential and phenomenological approach to understanding and healing the soul, the quartet of presenters and workshop leaders will create a space for common explorations into the perennial and contemporary riddles of the human soul.Lectures, conversations, artistic activity, and thematic workshops will guide our explorations into a more experiential and phenomenological approach to psychology, and the emergence of psychosophy—a soul wisdom relevant to our times. Cheryl Sardello, PhD, Roberta Nelson, PhD, Shawn Sullivan, MA, and others will join us in dialogue, spiritual practice and the creation of sacred healing moments.Conference Times: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 7:30pm through Sunday, Nov. 14, 12:30pm.Full Conference Fee: $350 (by October 15); $400 (after October 15).Lectures Only Fee: All 8 lectures $180; Single lectures $25 each.Registration or Information: http://www.steinercollege.edu/node/1408, e-mail conferenceregistration@steinercollege.edu or call 916-864-4864.