• Dec 5, 2015 from 4:00am to 5:30am PST
  • Location: At meeting time, click the link beow:
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Topic: The Souls of White Folk
Time: Dec 5, 2015 12:00 PM (GMT-8:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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    +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 918 233 191

    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=vbfUL8NHF_2w6fjmpNE7FlxRAP07A-_n

The topic of race and racism in America has become a hot button issue in popular culture, however, rarely if ever is the topic discussed from a depth psychology. Juxtaposing the traditional idea of American Exceptionalism with the historical facts of native genocide and the enslavement of kidnapped Africans, we will ask participants to discuss the roots of the trauma of racism in America as an archetypal, cultural complex. What a Jungian might call a shadow complex. The recognizing, owning, and grieving of the consequences of this shadow complex is the spiritual work of white people in America. The spiritual growth, and the very souls of white people in America, and the future of all Americans, hang in the balance. If approached seriously, and as a spiritual exercise, this process of grieving our history of violence and discrimination might also have a healing impact on contemporary victims of racism, especially Native American people and African Americans, and may ultimately provide a basis for uniting us spiritually and ideologically around shared grief and trauma.

               Click here to meet our panel!

At this free event participants will:

-  Participate in an online discussion with Alliance members and Alliance Board members

-  Join in community to reflect on the trauma of racism in America from a Depth Psychology perspective

-  Discuss ways that we as individuals, as a community, and as a culture might work together to identify the root causes of racism and to begin to heal the trauma of racism in America

 Please RSVP above.

Meet Our Panel:

James Newell, Ph.D. – Alliance Board Member

Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. – Founder and Alliance Board Member

Jennifer Selig, Ph.D. – Pacifica Graduate Institute

Craig Chalquist, Ph.D. – Executive Board Chair of the Alliance

Donna May, MFT. – Alliance Board Member

Brent Potter, PhD. – Alliance Board Member

Mark Sipowicz – Alliance Board Member

Barry Spector – Author, Madness at the Gates of the City

Dorene Mahoney – Alliance Board Member

Jeffrey Kiehl, Ph.D. – Alliance Board Member

Eva Rider, MA, MFT – Alliance Board Member

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  • I found this panel very interesting- first time I ever 'attended' an online event. and I did so with a Choctaw friend who had had the 'boarding school' experience. I enjoyed the introduction of the various themes, such as projection of the shadow, the power complex, American myths of innocence vs reality of complicity/guilt, colonisation and displacement, unconscious grief, dubious diagnoses of mental illness in cases of normal grief, criminalisation, and the significance of the fact that whites are a minority in America and the world.  Really it needed more time, each theme could have been a discussion in greater depth. Introduced me to some books I would like to read, also. I very much liked when people spoke of their own direct experiences growing up.

  • I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make this discussion! In my opinion, this issue corrupted our country at the get-go...and resolving the conflict would open up so many other areas of denial. Again, I'm sorry I missed it, my health challenges were in the way again. 


    Rod Stoick

  • What an amazing panel discussion.  Thanks so much.  I dreamed a couple night before about the "immigrant" and I was following on a trail behind a small black woman who carried a huge backpack that kept causing her to fall and face-plant.  I reached to help her up, wondering why she carried such a burden.  Now I understand it so much better.

  • So thankful for the program today! So important in our culture. I have to leave now, but will look forward to the recording! Again, so appreciate the each of you presenting the program today. - Renee
  • Thanks much...planning on it!

  • Valerie, hi

    All Alliance events are listed in Pacific Time.

    Hope you can make it!


  • What time zone?

    Time: December 5, 2015 from 12pm to 1:30pm

    All Events on Saturday, December 5, 2015 | Depth Psychology Alliance: A global community for finding depth psychology resources, connecting with like…
  • Laura, hi:

    We're hoping to tape the event, so hopefully you will be able to listen to the recording at your leisure.

    All the best,

  • Darn...wanted to attend, but just realized that I have farmer's market (my other life) that day! Sounds like a great topic...

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