• Mar 1, 2011 from 2:00am to 2:30am PST
  • Location: phone
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Ways to Play


Ways to Play: Love.Dream.Work.Create

There are many ways to play unique to each person, place, and time. As we grow and develop, we learn and enjoy life more when we play for ourself and others:

Join Mary Alice Long, PhD on the first Tuesday of every month @ 10PST/1EST to hear details about the "Ways to Play" Series.

Next Introduction to "Ways to Play"

Date and Time: Tue 03/01/2011 10:00 AM
Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Where: Phone

JOIN Mary Alice  LIVE or listen to recorded "Ways to Play" 30-minute sessions at your leisure.  The 30-minute, first Tuesday of the month, "Ways to Play" Phone Call is complimentary but pre-registration is required. Following registration, Mary Alice will send you playful details about the next "Ways to Play" introductory play event.

Pre-register today  @ http://eepurl.com/cuzIf

PLAY has many benefits:

  • We develop loving relationships with others through play.
  • Want to listen deeply and respond fully—Play is Key!
  • Most of us work to provide for our needs and those of our family but not everyone feels passionate about their work. Many of us ask the question, what is my purpose? Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, an executive/CEO, a student, self-employed, or work for a non-profit finding ways to bring a playful attitude and tools into your work and decision-making is important.
  • Play leads to creative action. Play and you can imagine so many possibilities for your life and the life of your community.

Questions? Write Mary Alice@ maryalice@playequalspeace.com or visit her on Twitter @playequalspeace or
Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/play.love.dream.work

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 from 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
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