this past weekend at Pacifica Graduate Institute unforgettable and  truly  memorable. Your .presentations and presence were acute reminders, that Hillman's palpable existence  will ever extend forward into the life of the world soul and to those living within it. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! Judie Harte

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  • One of the reasons I joined the site was to learn more about Archetypal Psychology and James Hillman. My introduction to him and his concepts has been through Lament of the Dead. In my struggle to understand the themes of The Red Book, Hillman's and Sonu Shamdasani's insights were invaluable and I thought that I needed to look into him, specifically. His contributions are hailed by the community and I'm saddened that I didn't learn his name until after his death. I hope to know someday what he had to teach the world.

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