I love all the many charms about you. Above all….I want my arms about you..”  Cole Porter

 I awoke at 4 am with the lyrics to Cole Porter’s  Embraceable You swirling around inside my head.  Was I merely at the effect my personal psychology?  No, not completely.  Especially, when I realized that we’d just had a new moon at one degree of Taurus.   Phrases like tangibility, tenderness, touch, taste, body, beauty, surfaced. All terms and qualities that drive the Taurean experience. Alongside these were also fond thoughts of not to be forgotten earth-mother Gaia, and Aphrodite, lover extraordinare. Gaia and Aphrodite: Earth and love,  two archetypal, mythic, drivers of the Taurean choo-choo train!


The Sabian symbol for one degree Taurus, the degree of the new moon’s arrival  is ”a clear mountain stream that “ flows steadily through a rocky defile. “ And then there’s Kozminsky who describes this degree of Taurus as symbolic of a “grey vapour” that  permeates “a bush of red roses upon which is a brilliantly coloured” butterfly. “ In both cases, it seems that two aspects of nature vie for prominence.  There’s the clear mountain stream that needs the rocky defile to provide a pathway for flow, and, the grey vapour that offers a moistured breath as roses lend support to that time-worthy image of transformation: the butterfly.   Beauty, body, nature, romance, substance, all earthy values worth honoring.   Not the least of which is the Taurean, body-driven, warmth generated by those warm, huggable, embraceable arms. On second thought, I think I’ll take those!



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