Marvin Spiegelman

I just had the pleasure of spending an entire day at a seminar given by Marvin Spiegelman. Along with a two hour interview he gave Friday, both were filmed. I highly recommend obtaining the CD whenever the LA Jung Institute released them. Dr. Spiegelman surveyed Islam, Kundalini Yoga, the Ox Herding pictures, Kabbalah and numerous references to alchemy. His personal comments about Jung, von Franz, Toni Wolf and Henri Corbin were enlightening. Despite (or due to) his advanced age, he speaks with clarity, wit and wisdom.

He described Jung's African-like laughter, his own "stormy relationship" with von Franz that lead to friendship, Toni Wolf's erudition with philosophy (Jung learned from her), Corbin's deep insight into Islam and Eliade being a "good guy!" What a treasure trove of memories. I am only too proud to report that his review of my book, Embodying Osiris, will grace the pages of the next edition of the Jung Journal!

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  • This sounds amazing, Thom. Thanks so much for sharing--I would love to hear/see the presentation after your glowing review, and so appreciate the humor in Eliade being a "good guy"! Congrats on the upcoming book review as well...

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