Hi everyone,

I want to thank the participants as well as Bonnie for the webinar today. Went very well even though I ran over my time a bit.

I went for a walk after and spotted this (see photo) in Berkeley over I-80. Imagine if we set aside the rescuer role and instead invited people to enjoy the planet. Even one image--say, Earthrise--would make so much more impact. In my fantasy dancers in costumes waved at the cars while staging a play up on the bridge on behalf of planetary appreciation.

Looking forward to more discussion--


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  • Good early morning Craig - just wanted to share this 21st Century, newspaper activism clip.  What has changed since Jung's time and 100 years since chemical warfare in WW1?  What will the global communities do?  Regards Linda

    21 Century Atrocities.pdf

  • Good early morning Craig - wanted to share this 21st Century contemporary newspaper activism clip - what has changed in from Jung's time over the last 100 years?  Regards Linda

  • Hi all. A huge thanks again to Craig for so willingly sharing his knowledge and time. This topic is so critical in our world today! I hope this is just the beginning of a surge of talks, slideshows, presentations, papers, and short videos on the topic of Mythic Activism. Just a reminder to join Craig's "Deep Educators" group if you're motivated to help start a groundswell..

    Craig, I loved your mention of people staging plays for surveillence cameras. Sometimes I think this is what psyche/ancestors/spirits are doing for our human equivalent of looking at the world in order to get our attention... :)

    Meanwhile, in case you didn't find this elsewhere, here is the link to re-watch this webinar. Please note, your screen will be black and you only have audio for the first few minutes of introduction until Craig actually starts the slideshow. Also, this file is a .mov file and can be opened in Quicktime if you have to choose a software to play it. If you have issues, please email info@depthpsychalliance.com

    • Hi Bonnie - thank you for the info to down the Quicktime player which is what I needed to do.  My Microsoft Media Player would not work.  I also learned that I need to find a unlimited internet package.  Mine has a limit and if I go over, I am charged an extra $10.00/month.  Hopefully, the way of internet access will go the way of long distance - unlimited for to be a fully participating member in DPA and getting the most out of the webinars you provide - one needs to see and hear.  There is no comparison reflecting upon listening on the phone/missing the visuals.  Both is best, so from here-on-in, I will attend the DPA webinars on the net.  I will find a way to find the extra funds within my seniors pension to make this work.  Thank you Craig - love your audio/visual creations.  Regards Linda

  • I couldn't download the player because I was using a computer at work. Listening to it now--thanks for archiving this and thanks to everyone at DPA for organizing it.

    • Awesome! It was so rich. Would love to hear your thoughts when your're done.

  • Thanks for the name.  I guess as long as Bonnie/DPA takes such good care of us with the techno stuff;  I will be OK and not need to purchase any software.

  • Thanks Alex for sharing the link for this free file conversion download.  Last evening Bonnie sent the link which I was able to download, open and review.  I made this comment in the other site for mythic activism - two sites may be confusing and which one will the community utilize more???? 

    • update - all this techno stuff is too complex for me (the interface/compatibility/program) competition issues between Microsoft vs Mac.  I am simply a novice using Microsoft, tried to/but unable to view your link/materials on your slideshow, so I will simply be content/grateful for what I received yesterday and let go of concerning myself with programs.  Thanks all.   

  • Thanks so much. I appreciate your comments.

    Here is a link to the slideshow. It's Keynote rather than PowerPoint, though.

    The Alliance will be posting a link to the recorded webinar itself soon. Hope you can view it through your connection.

    Cheers, C

    Dropbox - Error
    Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
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