Mar 30, 2016 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm
California Institute of Integral Studies
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....Starbucks management would not have made fools of themselves by printing invitations on their coffee cups to discuss big topics like racism in America. Consulting DP: "It's a nice idea, but you're the container people, right? You wouldn't serve super-hot coffee without an adequate container, would you? If you're serious about furthering these difficult discussions, how about spending some of your revenue on paying diversity consultants and community leaders to facilitate safe and…
A depth look at oil production.
“The modern world is in some ways a dialogue between oil and water,” notes environmental professor David Orr in his book Earth in Mind:
Water makes life possible, while oil is toxic to most life. Water in its pure state is clear; oil is dark. Water dissolves; oil congeals. Water has…
Hi everyone,
I'm at work on an anthology with the working title Writings in Deep Psychology, and I thought I'd post a brief piece of it having to do with what constitutes "depth psychology." My anthology will include work from a number of pioneers, including Wundt (yes, Wundt: he did something for depth but most textbooks ignore it), Fechner (a tremendous nature mystic), William James, Pierre Janet, Freud and the Freudians, Jung and the Jungians, and work from…
Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.
-- John Dewey
I am English by birth, but I am Early World Man. And I live in exile from the world community of my desire.
-- H. G. Wells
What if, as depth psychologically-minded cultural workers, we labored against falsely separating the…
In the same measure as the conscious attitude may pride itself on a certain godlikeness
by reason of its lofty and absolute standpoint, an unconscious attitude develops with a
godlikeness oriented downwards to an archaic god whose nature is sensual and brutal.
--CG Jung, Psychological Types
Fight the big corporations. Kill the multinationals. Break up theconglomerates and the consortiums. The problem of how to do…
Listen to interview. enjoyed. The comment about the freeway behind your school. That's what caught me. I'm very fortunate here in Boulder Colorado (20 yrs) that I only ride my bicycle. Been about a year now since I've driven. I used to drive for a job ( years ago) big and small rigs. And I'll be honest sometimes I do miss my pickup (25 yrs old) which I gave away to Mexicans. My Daughter lives on 2nd and Anza. Only rides her bicycle. Kinda freaks me out ( traffic) but she doesn't bicycle to much and is cautious. I'm sure she love San Francisco ( that part of it) because it doesn't have freeways. Plus she grew up here in Boulder which is to small potatoes for her. California is to crowded for me with the exception of the feather river of death valley ( just kidding). But as my Grandad ( rancher) used to say about California: " to many dam people". Take care buddy, Jeff
Hi Craig, I just listened to your discussion with Bonnie Bright and was really captivated by your clarity--it was such a learning. You are really working at the edge of what is known. I was especially interested in the section on Deep Education and your talk about working with the guardians of big corporations. I have to tell you a story from many years ago. You may not know, but concurrent with developing my corporate career in human resources, I was also developing my abilities as a seer with many different teachers over the years from various shamanic traditions. If I had not gotten this kind of help in my teens and 20's, I believe that I would be institutionalized today. Anyhow, in the early 80's, I was the corporate manager for human resources at Industrial Indemnity Company, which was a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation. Our headquarters operation was in San Francisco and we owned the 14-story building at the corner of California and Battery. We were a company of 1400 employees and 17 field divisions throughout the 10 western states. My office was on the sixth floor. I was responsible for setting HR policy for the whole company, plus my department handled the human resources duties for the 700 employees in the headquarters, plus those in two smaller subsidiaries located down Battery Street. I was in that job for six years. Again, privately, I was learning to work with energy and see and work with beings without bodies in my off hours (since 1977). At some point, it became very clear to me that there were two huge beings that oversaw this company. I never, of course, told anyone about them, but I experienced their presence whenever there were conflicts or shake-ups in the high echelon. Because I was involved in all the staff changes and performance issues with even the highest positions, I began to draw direct correlations between the success (or failure) of higher-ups and knew that these beings were "pulling the strings."