place (3)

9142445472?profile=originalSome would argue our contemporary consumer-based, productivity-oriented culture contributes to a collective loss of memory—done of being connected to something larger than our everyday selves. As a society, we have become dislocated in time and disconnected from place, leaving us rootless, transient, and opting for sensationalism instead of spirituality; superficiality instead of soul.

So much of this malady is due to our disconnect from nature, our bodies, and earth itself. We are no longer grou

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“Being at home in the world” embodies a dialogue between inner and outer, self and world claims John Hill (2010) in his new book of the same name. Our psyche originated in nature but the increasing separation birthed by the growth of a culture that is dominated by reason and patriarchy, disconnect from earth and the deep sacredness of nature and creation is taking its toll. Reconnection with nature, and therefore something deep, numinous, and sacred is action that can help us recognize and care

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What is Deep Education?

What is Deep Education?

by Craig Chalquist, PhD


Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.
-- John Dewey

I am English by birth, but I am Early World Man. And I live in exile from the world community of my desire.
-- H. G. Wells

What if, as depth psychologically-minded cultural workers, we labored against falsely separating the processes of individuation from those of liberation? 
--Mary Watkins and Helene Shulman


Some years back I began to realize that all my efforts as

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