chalquist (2)

In the same measure as the conscious attitude may pride itself on a certain godlikeness
by reason of its lofty and absolute standpoint, an unconscious attitude develops with a
godlikeness oriented downwards to an archaic god whose nature is sensual and brutal.
--CG Jung, Psychological Types

Fight the big corporations. Kill the multinationals. Break up theconglomerates and the consortiums. The problem of how to do thatpreoccupies more and more of us as helicopters hired with oil moneydrive nativ

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What is Deep Education?

What is Deep Education?

by Craig Chalquist, PhD


Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.
-- John Dewey

I am English by birth, but I am Early World Man. And I live in exile from the world community of my desire.
-- H. G. Wells

What if, as depth psychologically-minded cultural workers, we labored against falsely separating the processes of individuation from those of liberation? 
--Mary Watkins and Helene Shulman


Some years back I began to realize that all my efforts as

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