....Starbucks management would not have made fools of themselves by printing invitations on their coffee cups to discuss big topics like racism in America. Consulting DP: "It's a nice idea, but you're the container people, right? You wouldn't serve super-hot coffee without an adequate container, would you? If you're serious about furthering these difficult discussions, how about spending some of your revenue on paying diversity consultants and community leaders to facilitate safe and effective discussion circles throughout Seattle and beyond, then collect and publish information on how well they do?"

....The US military would have reflected before rolling out a crowd-control weapon called Active Denial--that cost a lot but doesn't work. Denial never does.

....Huffington Post would have a entire section not only on sleeping (apparently Ariana doesn't get enough), but on dreaming and how to work with dreams and how doing so deepens consciousness and enriches life.

....The Greek government years ago might not have given a nod to all those Trojan Horse loans that by coming due (as all debts do, fiscal or psychic) have all but destroyed the Greek economy. And this time it's not the Trojans who are losing.

....AI researchers would be wondering, "What shadowy part of me seeks expression?" BEFORE giving intelligence to machines.

....Nobody would be trying to build a big ship named Titanic II.

....Eco-activists would be rousing public opinion through effective storytelling instead of relying on blaming, shaming, splitting, and all the other overused tactics that impress nobody these days.

....and the list goes on....