On Trusting Eros

Chronus/Saturn and Hades/Pluto became best buddies when they forged a recent astrological alliance in mysterious Scorpio. While earthy Saturn and watery Pluto usually like one another, their pairing, despite their often compatible natures, and potential for psychological and world-wide transformation, can at times have quite a combustible impact.


Bearing in mind these future, intense, unpredictable times, a friend suggested that I try and stem the likely emotional highs and lows that these two mythic giants might perpetuate within an already unpredictable, personal relationship of mine. Why not “surround yourself with a circle, and put a stone at the center,” she suggested. “Or, better yet, create a sculpture with a stone at its center.”  She thought the inclusion of a talisman would be a protective coping mechanism in the face of the powerful, energy stirred by the astro/mythic fusion of Chronus and Hades. 

 Later that day, I found myself gazing hypnotically at a small, gun-metal grey, oval stone that had long ago taken up cozy residence on my desk.  I spoke aloud the favorite phrase etched on it’s pitted, mottled surface, “Trust Eros.”  I grew warm inside, as I repeated that phrase, recalling my long-standing affection for the message carved on this imperfect  stone. 

Not ordinarily one to chase oracles, other than my perpetual haunting of those archetypes that tenant the circle of astrological deities, I sensed it might just be time to add something new to my star-gazing repertoire. Might that wonderful, dark, grey, stone be a protective source of psycho/alchemical magic? Could it, would it, protect me during Chronus/Saturn’s residence in the erotic, ravaged, darkened, emotionally, hidden, rich, underworld hallways of Hades/Scorpio? After all, didn't I deserve some extra protection during these astrologically intense,  complex times where sexual and emotional passion, life/death turbulence, financial restraint and/or excess,    might arise as Saturn wound its way though Hades’ land of hidden riches?  

My treasured stone could stand with my Scorpio self,  through the literal and/or psychological, death/rebirth cycles of the next few years. This beloved, magical stone would carry my mantra. I’d be protected while traversing this time of mystique, molting, and fusion with, and immersion in, my own unique experience of Saturn’s underworld journey though Hades mythical land.  

 My beloved little stone and now talisman would not impede the experiences that I was meant to have during this approaching time period, but would simply lend support and protection. It wouldn’t insist that I run from taking necessary emotional risks, stomp upon or deny me any opportunity, to express my creative/erotic nature . And, it wouldn’t construct a blockade against any Scorpionic flood of emotion and transformation that might erupt during Saturn’s sojurn in Hades’ darkened land. What the act of trusting Eros would do, would be to act as a container and protector during the heavily, emotionally laden, Scorpionic times ahead. Sure, I know I've invested it with a kind of mana, while projecting these protective qualities upon it. But, so what. For me, it’s as good a talisman as any.   

My lovely, grey stone will provide protection as we traverse the mythic underworld land of Hades, that mysterious place where the going can get tough, and where even the tough often want to get going!  I’ve made some promises to myself, now that Saturn has entered Scorpio. I urge you to do the same. Gather together your fears, desires, insecurities. Vow to further their transformation. Find your own source of protection. An image, poem, object, photo, etc.. In my case the story attached to the Eros/Psyche myth has personal relevance and is the perfect story, with the perfect cast of characters. I suspect that the living out of it in my own life during this time will involve further transformation. This potential is already reflected in,  symbolized, and hinted at by the current astro/mythic transits. These transits may challenge us all not to run from taking reasonable emotional risks, or caving in to the repression of our erotic natures, and/or closing up emotionally.  Stay open as you explore the many permutations of Hades’ land. And, should the transit of Chronus/Saturn through Hades/Scorpio prove exquisitely erotic, sexually and/or monetarily barren, overflowing with life or teeming with death, then hold on tight and engage your source of protection, as I will do with my beautiful little stone.  I'll be trusting Eros, Aphrodite's son-lover, and fully grown husband to Psyche, that brave, beautiful girl who lives in the land where dreams are made.

What source(s) of protection will you trust?

Judith Harte

----All Rights Reserved


The following are my personal choices/suggestions for music, literature and art to help me through this time. What are yours?

  Chronos/Saturn  in Scorpio: Music

“Body and Soul” Tony Bennett/Amy Winehouse

“Jericho” Joni Mitchell

“Chopin’s Nocturnes”

“You’re my Thrill” Diana Krall
“Almost Blue”  Diana Krall

Adele’s Love songs

Brazillian composer Ivan Lins Love songs

Blue in Green Miles Davis/JohnColtrane


Saturn in Scorpio: Poetry/Literature

Rilke’s Book of Hours

**Psyche’s Knife- Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson my pick 

James Hillman’s writings on The Myth of Eros and Psyche and Alchemical Blue


Saturn in Scorpio: Art

Lucien Freud’s Paintings

Picasso’s Blue Period

Rodin’s sculptures












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  • I've started the discipline of drawing the inner images which come to me from dreams, and during active imagination sessions...and trusting my response to the content. One word which emerges from, repeatedly, is Ploutos, or Plouton - I couldn't quite make out which, while asking my Soul for guidance, to take me deeper into the Underworld. Being a curious fellow I researched the name. Ploutos, or Plouton, is the Greek God of Wealth...the wealth of the depths. So I'll keep traveling down into the deep.

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