I awakened this AM to an impulse that took me straight to the written account of Paco Mitchell's dream so eloquently recounted by him in the latest edition of Ezine.  This was written in a style that totally brought it to life for me. I was in that dream with Paco, from beginning to end.  Beautifully, imaginatively written, Paco, Often when writing or reading "I" dreams or stories, one gets trapped in the I-ness of things. It's about me, my myself, etc. Of course this was a dream about the journey of an I, a me.  However, one does not feel trapped by what can often be the focus on me-ness!  There was a me and there was a larger me, and an I and a we.  

What a delightful experience to go on this journey so early in the morning to this amazing landscape.  Many thanks Paco. You write beautifully.  I felt it to be the most exquisite kind of Sagittarian journey, and truly opened my "little" world in this moment.

I wanted to write my thanks. We must acknowledge and remember each other in order, to keep our souls, and the soul of the world..... fed. 

Beautiful, just beautiful. With gratitude.

Judie Harte

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