Psyche's Hungry Child

Bonnie, thanks for the response to my mention of that sleeping man in that Aquarian new moon. I like to think of the natal Leo moon as psyche's hungry child.   The moon in the horoscope wants to be fed. The  sign that its placed in, and house that it lives in,  tells us what it is hungry for and in what location it will find food/nourishment . A sixth house moon in Leo wants to serve others (Aquarius)  in the (6th house) by offering  the possibilty of creative experience/expression (Leo) to others in a depth psychological setting! Did I just hear the phrase Depth Psychology Alliance? !!!! I will add to that the notion that you must also feed yourself the creative  food that you desire and are so good at such as writing, poetry and tending the planet. These things will bloom more for you as your mid-life passage unfolds.

I'm very interested in Kathleen's ideas about the ascendant (rising sign) , and how it progresses, or moves forward into another sign at mid-life. I think it was  Joseph Campbell who said something like one must be willing to give up the life they think want for the life they were meant to live. I suspect the progressed ascendant offers clues to this  unfolding. Now I just have to figure out how to listen. GO KATHLEEN!

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