After reading the last response to this utterly exquisite topic, I was connected to what it is that for me

becomes so deeply engaged when interacting with the natural world.  It's why I live in the middle of it and why, my greatest fear is that once removed from it I would surely somehow immediately lose my life.  Am I being, overly dramatic?  Perhaps.  For me immersion in nature, reconnects, reinforces, reminds and reimagines my NATURE....OUR NATURES.. I /we live such mechanized lives that without the miracle of this lush natural mirror, it's wildlife, it's atmosphere, its color, its biosphere, its unending, reliable rhythms both devastating and healing, with which  to engage, to reflect upon, to  fear, and yes I said to fear, I/we would be lost. 

 Clearly if we don't step up and attend to the healing of our mother "nature" I/we will soon lose that wonderful reflected mirror within which our own natures.    Within her midst, we  reflect upon and are reminded  of our own particular uniqueness that is seen in  the sunlight, moonlight, oceanic, sandy desert,  stardust, red-rocked, ice-capped, green, rocky mountain peaked, magical universe that she provides .Without that reliable, eternal,  personal mirror of my/our natural reflection and essence, i.e. ( our natures) where would we all be?

I recommend James Hillman's and Margo McClean's Dream Animals for those who wish to look at  how Hillman envisioned animals and nature.

Judith Harte


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