Stunning … how the recent, retrograde transit of Venus/Aphrodite, had managed in just a few darkened hours, to promote an affectionate, loving, global, human connection amongst her onlookers. Last week, as her dark, round, ball passed between the earth and the sun something beautiful happened. There was love between people from all parts of the globe and a world-wide appreciative response, as Aphrodite’s charms highlighted the six hour portion of her retrograde transit.

    One thing that was not eclipsed was the pink goddess' ability to engender global love and affection amongst watchful, captivated strangers.  Come to think of it, if beloved Venus/Aphrodite imaged by us last week, as that small, dark, round, ball, high, high, high up and far away, could constellate that kind of love among strangers, then what might a more deliberate conscious relationship to Her engender?  In response to that question, I’m called to revisit a cinematic figure whose ride high up in the cosmos once captivated us all. Stephen Spielberg gave us the beloved, E.T., a  figure whose cosmic pedaling engendered what I imagine to be a similar kinship amongst earthly onlookers.

    I guess what I’m postulating here is this.  Might this current Venus retrograde transit be trying to tell us something collectively as well as personally?  Might there more to Venus/Aphrodite than just her  intimate, perfumed, one to one, commercially-driven, pink-tinged, one night stand reputation? Could it be that she also has the capacity to ignite a new kind of human love, laced not with perfume but with the beauty of global fellowship between strangers? If she has managed to activate such brotherly/sisterly love during one of her classically, dark, inactive astrological phases, then what might she be capable of during more consciously attuned periods? Hers may now be the carrying and personifying of a universal eroticism, whose strongest family tie is love and attraction to, and for our planet.

    In a few weeks Aphrodite will again assume forward motion. And yes, there will no doubt be resolutions to love, relationship and partnership problems, some still unsolved, some no longer alive, no longer viable. Not to mention the new, personal one or ones waiting in the wings offering a possibility of having that love of a lifetime.    

    But, c'mon folks. Venus/Aphrodite, retrograde or not, has just offered us more than the beauty of marriage, and/or erotic love.  During her six hour retrograde journey between the sun and the earth she gave us a glimpse of something else.  She showed us the possibility of global kinship.  Within, through and in spite of those moments of her darkened retrograde imagination, she gave to us a glimpse of the collective, global romance that might in fact still and must be possible between people.What I'm postulating here is that what Aphrodite is trying to tell us is that she's also here to help us as a global collective.       

   I don't know about you, but I've taken hold of that thread and intend to follow her lead. Globally, it may at this point, be our last, best, most beautiful and possibly only hope.

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