Over a year ago, I sat next to Bonnie Bright as we traveled with Michael Conforti's group through the Italian countryside.    We spoke of many things, and eventually our conversation led to an idea I had in the moment, that an archetypal astrology group be added to the already rich, varied family of groups that comprised part of the Depth Psychology Alliance community. And so the Archetypal Astrology group came into being.

Now many months later, I continue to be impressed with and by the quality and type of  archetypal astrological content that is contained within the group's contributions.  

At the time I had an image of a large bronze urn, vat-like, and/or cauldron-like, out of which would emerge future psycho-astrological musings, writings, some scholarly, some poetic , some funny, some, murky, etc., tha would  be an imaginal container for the emerging archetypal astrology group.

A myriad of imaginings out of which an archetypal astrology of the future, built upon the ancient archetypes, or first forms of the past, could be given new life and perhaps, yes I said  perhaps, even become part of astrological psychology's  and  depth psychology's contemporary lexicon. Such big ideas! Such big images! And….why not?

From all that I have read of your archetypal astrological contributions,  their depth, imagination and obvious high level of knowledge, I am assured and reaffirmed that in fact my vision of an archetypal astrology of the future has clearly become seeded in the here and now.

The concept of archetype has always been a rather difficult one for me to get my head around. I 

understand it to be a first form, or container, out of which and to which we, in a living sense, gravitate and experience psychologically and inter and/or intra personally, via story, relationship, the arts, etc, the living out of those fateful patterns to which and by which we are called.  That is a bare minimum definition I know and rather shameful at that.  But it does serve to affirm what I see as at least one purpose of Archetypal Astrology: and that is to illuminate the archetypal patterns in the birth chart that guide, or hinder, the living out of one's personal fate.

All of  you and  your wonderful  contributions have filled and I hope will continue to fill our large bronze urn with those imaginative, poetic and learned contributions that make an archetypal astrology group what I'd hoped it might  be. Perhaps one day we can sit around a literal bronze, urn and discuss these thoughts in person.

But for now, I just wanted to say thank you....

Judie Harte

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