
Forms and procedures being seen as corporatization; feeling out of the loop, overwhelmed, confused by procedures and tech; too many changes too quickly; hard to know what's going on in each committee; "how do I fit in?"; "am I doing enough?"; bombarded by documents, info; feeling disconnected from other board members; need to discern what to do and show up for, balance commitments.


We're getting so much done and launching so many experiments!; feeling a part of something transformative taking place; loving the connections we're making; it's fun to watch the Alliance evolve; we're experiencing natural growth pains; growing our depth family.

Addressing the concerns:

- Operations / Exec Committee to get board buy-in for procedural and other changes so they aren't experienced as so top-down.

- New ideas for events etc.: run them by Craig first for initial vetting and hints for proceeding (the Visioning part of the 3 V's that also include Validating and Vivifying).

- Operations / Exec Council to share meeting minutes with Board.

- Start Board meetings by briefly describing what each of us is doing to/with/for the Alliance so we all know what's going on in overview if not in detail.

- IMPORTANT: if you can't attend a Board meeting, post an update of what you've been doing at the Board page.

Open for more ideas and suggestions....

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  • Thank you. It is good to be back on the bus.

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