Potential Committees


The idea here is that we populate committees with however many Board Members wish to be involved. (I'm also open to including Alliance members who would be interested in participating but don't wish to serve on the Board formally--but we can discuss that if anyone has experience or opinions).

As long as we have even two people willing to work on a committee/initiative, we will make it "active" and the committee members can meet among themselves, garner ideas, make decisions and plans, and then present their findings and ideas to the Board and solicit additional help to carry them out if needed.

Here are the categories most needed as I see it?

  • · Visitor frequency: How do we get them to come back often? How often? If we open to the public, how will that increase visitors and affect membership numbers? What can we do or offer weekly to get people to show up? How can the Board be more interactive in engaging with members? Can we hold regular fireside chats, teleseminars, or discussions? Shall we have weekly surveys and results which show up that week only before being taken down? Newsletter with links inviting people to come check certain topics? (I was doing that for a while but haven’t done one for a couple of months now).
  • · Outreach/Cross-pollination/New Members: How do we get the word out and attract new visitors through relationships or promotion to other existing organizations? Should we offer groups or pages to organizations like Jung Institutes, Friends of Jung orgs, educational orgs so they can have their own chat groups or data showing up as part of the Alliance? Free or charge for it? What else can we do?
  • · Community Education: How do we best vision and set up an educational opportunity “by” the community “for” the community where we invite educators, vet people who want to offer something, train them on the teleseminar software (or assist them during it) and train them on the group discussions, event posting, and help them get the word out? Would this contribute greatly to visitor frequency and new members? (I think likely!)

Other urgently needed?

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  • Regarding committees, so far this is the list I have: (Let me know if I've mis-read any of your intentions)

    Visitor Frequency: Jesse, Mark

    Outreach/Cross-pollination/New Members: Esther, Brent

    Community Education: Bonnie, Brent, Jesse

    Conferences & Publishing: Brent, Bonnie

    If you haven't articulated (or haven't decided) which one(s) you'd like to be involved in, please consider it this week and let's set a date to launch the committees so they can start emailing or meeting individually. Of course you can be on as many as you want, but one is enough. I want to make sure no one feels this is too demanding.

    If you feel you'd like to understand more before choosing one, we can always have more discussion in the next board meeting--but honestly, I think you all know about as much as I do about what these might be. I'm hoping our collective efforts will generate some exciting and creative programs and initiatives. 

    Also, while I've only listed myself for Community Education and Conferences/Publishing, I'd love to be as involved in the other two as I can be so hope to attend at least some of the meetings for those as well.

    I'm still looking at the calendar for our next board connection and will get that to you shortly. It's tricky with the 4th of July and I'm sure some of you will be on vacation at some point. Meanwhile, the last one was so helpful (for me, at least) I'm hoping we can do another one like it very soon to just hash out some of the needs.

    Thanks all!

  • Hello Bonnie and Board Members,

    I like these three committees. It feels like there should be another one but I cannot place my finger on what is missing. 

    I would like to be a member of the Visitor Frequency and Community Education Committees. I would be open to facilitating either one but have more interest in the Community Education at that level. The Outreach feels like an important committee but I do not feel qualified to be working with it as it seems like people in a number of other organizations and with contacts to other groups would be ideal in starting this committee. 

    I hope this e-mail finds everyone well!


    • Thanks for the input, Jesse. I'm excited to see we've got committee members for each of the three categories so far.

      As for the mysterious fourth, I don't know if this is it, but Brent and I just started talking about potentially putting together a conference--something I've been wanting to do (but not alone)---and also developing the publishing arm. Right now, Depth Insights scholarly eZine comes out twice a year but its a huge amount of work. I think we could also put out anthologies.

      So let's add a category--conferences and publishing and if another one arises, let me know.

      I'll be putting out a call this week for new board members so we can populate these better. I think 3 people per committee is great, though perhaps it could be done with 2. We'll work it out.

  • ...agreed. And possible an expansion in the publishing domain (?) I especially like the idea of Community Education...look forward to chatting on Sunday!

  • Hi Everyone....Briefly as I am running out the door. I look forward to the call on Sunday. And for me it may be just that, a phone connection. Will be in Sierra mountains of California.

    Here is my cut and pasted mission:

    Our mission is to...make depth psychology more widely accessible...so that the theories of the past and present can give understanding and insight into the current human condition...for those who are dedicated to cultivating soul in the world.

    (With a few word changes this works quite well for me, but happy to see other amalgamations.)

    Committees: I could enjoy any of the three proposed, but the visitor frequency and its sense of building sustainable community with connectivity has the most energy for me.

    Opening the alliance: I like the idea of Everyone being able to see DPA, but the requirement of membership for posting. My only naive question concerns copy-writes and content cut and pasted all  over the place without attribution or permission, but maybe these times, have passed that question by?

    Generating Income: I rarely practice what I preach on this topic, however...it is so important for all of us in the healing arts to be compensated for what we do. Certainly financial "sustainability" should be the foundation for any of our enterprises. In other words, I heartily support, encourage and will do whatever I can to move DPA towards balanced cash flow.

    *I am also in support adding a few more board members...it can't hurt.

    All for now. Can't wait to check in with you and hear what you think and what you're up to.

    Mark S.

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