Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.
Which of the following best describes your proposed membership status? If you are signing up with your first and last name, please choose "Individual." Please do NOT choose one of the other options unless you are creating a profile page with a business or organization name
What are your main areas of interest?
Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Ecopsychology, Somatic Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Art or Art Therapy, Dreamwork
If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?
M.A., Jungian
If so, from what institution?
Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?
Drawn to depth because of my interest in tending psyche, both inner and outer, self and other.
What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your welcome message. I was not aware of it until today. I have not been using the site and now would like to. Please, can you help me post my event, Mark. I'm new to the site and having trouble publishing my flyer or information about it if the flyer posting isn't possible.
Many thanks,
Mark, I am so sorry. Life intervened greatly since 2016! Not sure what happened to your comment re writing but I did not see them! Since that time, I have published three books of what could be termed, "Memoir" but really isn't! Everything must seemingly fit into a box. Yes, Memoir but Book I, I, the Woman, Planted the Tree: A Journey through Dreams to the Feminine was published December 2018. Book II, Authoring Self, May 20, 2019 and final volume, Cauldron of the Feminine, March, 2020. I am now in process of working with Dream Writers' Myth Circles which brings together women who are reading my books and want to engage with others in the reading and working with their own inner world. I do not know exactly what is available on Depth Alliance but have listened to a number of courses and participated in others.
Thank you, Mark. I'm just seeing your welcome and am grateful for the meet January 12th. Look forward to another when that can be and to being active here beginning next month!
with love,
Megan Hollingsworth
I am curious and interested in the Alliance. Please keep me informed with future activities.
Do you have resources, eg. DVDs for rental or purchase?
I look forward to future communication with you and/or your colleagues.
With warm regards, I am
Dr. Lloyd B. Dunavant, D.Min.
Mark, Thank you for the warm welcome and the invitation to the Meet and Greet. I was unable to attend but look forward to participating in future events. I am very glad to be a part of this community.
Thank you for the greeting and the invitation to the meet and greet. I am participating in the 3 day Family Constellation conference this Thursday- Sunday and will not be able to attend any additional meetings as the conference goes until 10PM each evening.
I look forward to the time when my schedule allows me to attend one of the greeting meetings. I look forward to meeting and learning from the members.
Hi Mark. Thanks for your welcoming words. I'm really looking forward to exploring and learning - I came across you all by a happy synchronicity as I was pondering how to put more into and get more out of my professional practice. Cheers!
Thank you for the welcome, Mark. I am excited to be here.
Thanks, Mark for your warm welcome. Felt it! :-)