
Hi everyone, my name is Jason Moore. I am originally from San Marcos, Texas, but I'm currently living in San Francisco working on my MA in East/West psychology at CIIS. I have greatly appreciated my experience here and have immersed myself in the culture and resources available to me and feel like this certificate program is the next step along this progression.

This course appeals to me because of its ability communicate in the language of myth and storytelling. I hope to go deeper into my mythic education and expand my awareness of how myth and archetypes have been alive in the world around me. Then, I would like to apply this understanding to be a more conscious participant in the process of facilitating the New Story. One of my primary interests at CIIS has been ecopsychology and I am beginning to see how it is thru the mythic realm that ecology and psychology have interacted for thousands of years, therefore a big part of my excitement for this class is in reconnecting to this ancient world.

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