
Hello All...

My name is Gary Williams. I am a Licensed Counselor in private practice in Birmingham, Alabama. I also provide consultation for business, typically in the areas of conflict resolution, team building, leader development and more. I am a frequent lecturer and facilitator on a variety of counseling topics. I am an MBTI Master Practitioner and am involved with the Association of Psychological Type, where I am the Director of the "Counseling and Psychotherapy Interest Area" (an emerging concept and role). 

I am more than just familiar with Jungian concepts and appreciate that the MBTI "indicator" is an onion skin layer, and potential roadmap of the depth and richness of Jung's psychology. I enjoy John Beebe's 8-function / archetype model. I use and teach Campbell's Hero Journey concepts, but agree with Craig that the focus of hero might be overused and over-simplified....(Craig, I believe I have read that somewhere and if I am mistaken I apologize). 

I registered on the recommendation of a colleague who has previously participated and who thought I would enjoy the series. I have become particularly interested in a variety of cognitive biases, especially confirmation biases, which I believe are among society's most urgent problems, and am hopeful to learn more about the intersection of biasing and Jung's work and how that effects Self and society. Thanks for having me....


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  • Hi Gary. Nice to have you in the group. I was in the corporate world in a past life and see such huge potential for parlaying myth and other depth psychological/Jungian concepts in that world. I've also been profoundly affected in my own life process by understanding personality typologies—both MBTI to some extent, and Enneagram to a much larger extent—and believe they can do so much for bringing an individual to far greater consciousness about strengths, weaknesses, and shadow...

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