aloha EcoAstrology - Natures & Universe together

Am glad to see Archetypal Astrology at DPA groups. I do a natural branch of Archetypal > EcoAstrology with 4 elements connecting planets, signs & our bodies energies together from birth to now, not predicting, but encouraging loving present & learning potential creative healthy naturally living on earth in the open sky. Each planet & sign has 1 of 4 Primal elements: Air & Fire masculine up & out; Feminine: water & earth down in receptive, sensitive, like Jungs Archetypes. Our birth signs & present ones combine together in unique ways like our parents health & psyche effecting our whole "Primal Period' (Odent) from 'Conception to Weaning', naturally or not, creating our unique body, mind, emotions & soul patterns & potentials. I find our unique patterns in EcoAstrology charts i do (1,000s since 1990) for free are rather simple, helping me understand & communicate the functions & unique potentials to anyone, more simply Natural than modern astrology, thats more heady, indoors & futuristic. EcoAstrology includes our primal instincts, mother earth & Setting signs at birth & daily to yearly cycles, with 100 cosmic birthdays/year unique to each soul body. I give free mini EcoAstrology readings to people based on birthday, time, place, date & 5 natural influences without doing a full wheel chart, you can recognize your unique patterns & potentials for growing more creative, healthy & loving relationships with awareness. cosmicallyours micheal sunanda Oness press (see free GaiaAstrology webook online)

ECO Astro Promo

dimensions CozmAstro


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